
I've been wondering how they're going to represent God in this show, even if he's always going to be off camera, so to speak. There's been some serious theological arguments over whether God's all powerful or not. Some people don't like it when you say he's anything other than all-powerful and infallible.

I feel like she's all but said there's been things she's done long before she met the Hellfire Club and friends when she was talking to Maze about the subject ('things you don't know about' - presumably Maze knows all the Lucifer related stuff.)

A good question to ask is what happens to Doctor Martin since she knows in advance? Is that an advantage? Will enough good works get her into Heaven (erasing whatever debt she thinks she has a la The Good Place)? Or is the act of knowing a problem? As Gabriel said to John Constantine in the Tilda Swinton/Keanu Reeves

I'd have to source it but I think I heard of someone being killed because they were in contact with a metal frame when the patient was shocked once. It's very serious in an honest to God "Get the fuck back!" sort of way when we do that sort of thing. It's definitely not for show.

This show really isn't trying anymore with the technical stuff, is it? ZX3 was it for the cure? That's its name? Doubles up as super car engine juice? So, so stupid. I think I give this episode 18 out of 10 and an A plus plus … plus.

Defibrillator Thread:

Oh, for goodness sake. How could I not think of that?

It legitimately is Doctor Mysterio in Mexico (a fact I learned thanks to the last Christmas Special.)

Yes, probably for the best they didn't go with this earlier idea for Leela.

Done, and done!

I thought of a way that might work. Have a new companion actually be a future incarnation of the Doctor. So, when the regeneration happens, it turns out it's been the Doctor from a point further down the timestream the entire time - so now it turns out the regeneration is the earliest point of this Doctor and we've

We can want two things.

I much preferred the Tony Blair regeneration myself.

"You're a beautiful woman … probably."

It's a bit of a complicated situation, now people are big going in, or at least with a large solid body of work, with the obvious exception of Matt Smith (but even from what he had done, he was getting noticed.)

They actually wanted him for the Christoper Gable role in Caves of Androzani. Genuinely torn about that one. He would have been great but then so was Christopher Gable …

Just for the Five(-ish) Doctors alone, where Peter Davison said he just wanted to do a small thing for the anniversary and Steven Moffat gave him so much more than what he asked for and expected - as well as playing the villain - and knowing full well some of the opinions held about how he does things - I have to give

Oh yes, that would definitely get you in the door (and I won't dispute that helped a lot) but the last step, it's all on you and against some very good high profile competition too (also funny how Janet Fielding was Paul McGann's agent when he went for and got the role on the TV Movie.)

Ruth Wilson as Alice Morgan from Luther as The Doctor for me would also be a popular choice.

It's got it's advantages, like James Bond, your name will be remembered long after you played the role. I mean outside the actors who played the Doctor in the 60s and 70s, there's very few other people from television or even film who are remembered like they are with the relevant crowds.