
Well, let's remember Peter Capaldi (in advance, it is a time travel show, so that's appropriate) with his earlier time travelling adventures …

Who else would like to see Peter Capaldi's regeneration to go full Doof Warrior?

Oh bollocks, I was actually trying to work it out actually taking that into account. He is the 12th, isn't he?

I wonder how many episodes a year is the most they can do? I hear 13 plus a Christmas special is pushing it. I wonder what the difference between US and UK production is such that numbers are so different?

If it weren't for all the casual murder, the idea that the Doctor has been trolling himself (or technically herself) all this time certain has its appeal. After all, we never saw John Simm actually regenerate into Michelle Gomez. Maybe it never was him in the first place … ?

Given he's said no repeatedly about any role on the show in interviews, I'm beginning to suspect lately that he might in fact not do it.

She's played four different roles in the Doctor Who audio adventures. Which may or may not mean anything given even Benedict Cumberbatch turned up in one once.

Have you seen this?

I know it won't happen but Paul McGann as the 14th Doctor (not the 8th) could open up some interesting storytelling possibilities, especially since The Day of the Doctor implied the Doctor could replay someone who looked and sounded like a previous incarnation (but may or may not be different in other ways for all we

"and I had hopes that Capaldi might go on a bit longer than Smith or Tennant …"

I think we need to rush that dual citizenship then. I look forward to the Doctor also playing her companion, her main antagonist, and ultimately everyone on the show.

This has been happening since Colin Baker appeared as Maxil in Arc of Infinity back with the Fifth Doctor and then he was the Sixth which passed without comment, even on Gallifrey. Now we even have a reason for why this can happen, so in that sense, it shouldn't be a problem.

I know it's probably nigh on impossible these days but do you miss being totally surprised by these things, I know I certainly was with Tom Baker ——> Peter Davison and Peter Davison ——> Colin Baker. Mind you, with the first of those, it helped that I didn't know this was a thing back then.

Given that Moffat gave us Listen and Heaven Sent, I literally have no complaints.

In all seriousness, if anyone gives a killer audition, male or female, they will get the job. That's how Matt Smith went from complete outsider to winning the role (though rumour has it, one or two people were offered the role but turned it down first - might have included Chiwetel Ejiofor and Bill Nighy …)

She would be good. I would also vote for Hayley Atwell.

Data sourced from here:

Like Oscar Wilde said, it's better to be talked about than not talked about.

I did! It's elsewhere in the comments section.

I'm still kicking myself that Retribution was the first one I missed in the cinema. That opening sequence and that end boss fight between Jill Valentine and Alice must have looked great in 3-D on the big screen.