
… and now, here's the one I did earlier for The Grudge. [Might as well repeat it since there's Sadako vs. Kayako which is also technically a Ring movie, I suppose - also, that description of Johnny Galecki's professor sounds superficially like the professor from this one. Saw it … and … oh, dear. Still if you want to

Here's a little something I did earlier (and also put up a week ago for Sadako vs Kayako.) One for The Ring and a separate post for The Grudge [might as well repeat it for anyone who's at all curious on how to navigate this whole thing.]

I used to watch Sabrina the Teenage Witch when it was still on TV. OK, I admit I might have been a bit outside the target demographic having I think just graduated medical school but I regret nothing!

We still don't have to say anything about wanting to watch a Green Lantern movie, though do we?

DSM 1 through to 5.

There's a South African politician called Tokyo Sexwale (all this time, I was remembering it as Tokyo Sexwhale - which would have made it perfect for this Newswire.)

So, any explanation as to how they video chat despite what I think is the 20 minute or so time lag between Earth and Mars even at light speed or are they ignoring it and hoping the overlap between people who'd notice and care and their audience is as low as this rating turned into numerical form?

As an Australian, I can say that our current federal government are terrible, incompetent, and terribly incompetent so they probably brought it upon themselves.

I'm saying the movie had a fair amount of idiotic shit of its own. Also, a wasted and misleading title at that (Week of Ultron would have been closer to the mark.)

You actually haven't seen Age of Ultron, have you?

Is that what you think was going on here before you arrived in this thread?


It'll be quite an achievement if it can dethrone The Winter Soldier from my current pole position.

Thank you Captain Marvelous, first name Obvious.

On the other hand, if it sounds like a duck and looks like a duck, or especially two ducks f…

I know, right?!!

A running gag in Stargate SG-1 was there seemed to be an awful lot of coupling between the Samantha Carters and Jack O'Neills from alternate universes, much to the repeated discomfiture of the Carter and O'Neill of the main show universe.

Problem is, regardless of what happens to him, we have the "pay no attention to the men behind the curtains" to end all "pay no attention to the men behind the curtains" going on.

I bet most of the audience wouldn't even remember he was killed - or even that he was in the previous movies. Attention spans and memory have really gone to hell lately. Also, The Avengers was so five years ago.

This world can be such a horrible place in … places that that statement in and of itself doesn't actually rule that out.