
Either would have been great in the role - and John Hurt was.

It's all done apparently. Four parts (and complete.)

That whole production of 1984 with him in the lead was fantastic and near perfect.

I could yell at 2017 like I did for Miguel Ferrer but instead, I'd just like to say he did complete a set of audio adventures for Big Finish (with Louise Jameson as Leela too) and the last of these (complete arc as well, I believe.) John Hurt was also fantastic in Day of the Doctor given he was literally hitting the

… and money. Don't forget money. Not knocking him, it's as reasonable a reason as anything to do something - especially if it expands your opportunities to do other stuff. I remember IMDB used to have him listed as the first person who directed both his home country's original version and the US remake until I wrote

I still think it would make more sense to have Rasen (Spiral) versus Uzumaki (Vortex - which may or may not be some sort of spiral shape depending.)

By 'forgot', it would be accurate to say 'never knew in the first place'. I'm sure there's a stack of manga (I know there's video games including movie promotional tie-ins) and loads more across multiple platforms. Also, I'm far too exhausted from copying from another forum I originally posted this in months ago and

I'll try but I think I'll probably be wrong. I think from the books at least, the whole 'ring' thing is referring to some sort of circular motif and the ringing of a telephone doesn't come into it (also, the whole Sadako climbing out of a TV set is totally a visual motif - in the books it was just 'Oh My God, I'm

… and now, here's the one I did earlier for The Grudge.

Here's a little something I did earlier. One for The Ring and a separate post for The Grudge.

No, he just shapeshifts into a new one sometime between falling asleep and waking up (which we don't actually see.) He randomly ends up in either a male or female body each time and can be any age and ethnicity. However, more often that not, he tends to be male and white Caucasian (in the US version) or Korean (in the

No, you'd want a remake of The Handmaiden for that (which was originally a British novel and TV series before that - and I'm guessing just a bit less explicit.)

P.S: Here you go then.

You mean The Hidden wasn't ???

They're both worth seeing. The Korean version (and presumably this new US version will also do this) extend the story past where the original ended which is how exactly do you manage a relationship with this particular condition?

The Japanese of all people actually managed to do a series based on that exact concept which actually wasn't creepy, believe it or not.

Well, it's

Now to be fair, she's the 3rd best of the actresses who have worked with George R. R. Martin in some capacity to have played Sarah Connor.

They should try to get Mary Elizabeth Winstead to do the part - especially since she's already done it once (on top of being able to act and being absolutely gorgeous.)

You want The Hidden for that.