
He makes high quality furniture and sells it online in both filmed versions of the story.

It actually isn't, technically speaking. For all intents and purposes it looks like one, though I suppose and the earlier versions were both quite good, though.

It really wasn't.

It was American first.

This was originally a US production starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Topher Grace (kind of) which the Koreans remade (sort of) - bought it and watched it as an imported DVD (it's great) and back to back with The Wailing and The Handmaiden.

Now, you see, that was way more interesting than Air Force One.

It's my favourite Katherine Heigl film.

Whoa there son, her share was just $500 million or so when it was divided up and then there's the share of her husband's fortune that he inherited from his family as combined family assets.

We can do two lawsuits.

I still haven't worked out why Lance Henriksen's character at the end of Hard Target doesn't just throw away the grenade and run away instead of trying to defuse it, though. That was a strange scene all around.

One of my favourite articles ever was by Hitfix (which I've just learned was bought by Uproxx when I just looked for this)

Taller. He said taller.

The answer's irrelevant because the very best part of The Last Action Hero had nothing to do with the main character either of them would have played. The smile he gives at the very end of the clip still just kills me.

I like these kinds of articles and digressions that lead to places I otherwise wouldn't have looked. For this one, I wondered what happened to the actress who played the First Daughter in Air Force One, is she still acting, for starters? I wouldn't have thought to look without this article.

I haven't had the pleasure of seeing Barb Wire (from what I've heard, apparently it's preferable to be thrown in that room full of actual barbed wire in Suspiria) but Air Force One IMO is a pretty bad film. I just remember it as being cobbled together from a bunch of other films.

Some films fascinate me well beyond the original film itself and keep me thinking about it long after I've seen it even if the actual story wasn't that great. Sometimes it's a better experience than seeing the film itself (eg: Surrogates, the implication for our society with a world like that kept me thinking for much

The great Nigel Hawthorne who was in a lot of excellent British productions (seriously, check him out in Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister) as well as King George in The Madness of King George played the main villain in Demolition Man (Snipes was a lackey who just wanted instant gratification and break stuff - his

The only way that all works for me (and how I rationalise the whole plot) is if the liver damage only happens to very few people who are in some way predisposed to it. Otherwise, if loads of people start coming down with liver damage due to this new drug, the FDA would have it off the market in no time and loads of

I'm honestly not meaning to be snarky … or mean … but I'm confused. I can't see how what I wrote at the start of this thread would make any sense (or how I would have thought of it) if I didn't know that before I wrote it.

What's Bradito and/or Freeman done this time?