
I thought it was pretty funny how after being caught committing a major crime (in a US Senator's office no less), it looked like their punishment was all the world like high school kids being made to sit outside the principal's office (as opposed to a jail cell) with Talbot and Mace being the exasperated parents being

Is there any book/movie more misunderstood by some than Fight Club?


I disagree. One big part of it is about how the people were used to make the takeover of the farm happen and then were disposed of once they ceased to be useful. There's a lot more in there that also applies.

"Thousands of Americans die in an attack under Bush's watch, and he brought country together."

Total thumbs down on not nominating Amy Adams, though.

You can also read it for free legally in many jurisdictions because the copyright has expired. The US isn't one of them until at least 2020, I think, though I suspect thanks to Big Mouse.

I'll tell you what I do agree with, with a view from the medical profession.

Counterpoint: Maybe Snowden's a patriot who was a true believer in what he was doing and whose worldview was upended when he found the people behind the system actually didn't and on top of it, were cynically abusing it.

I did get that before I posted, though one may argue that sentencing is part of the trial. Any lawyers want to weigh in on that?

I wouldn't even thank people for that ironically.

No, I'm old, so that would make me "pre-woke" for starters, I guess. Except I would never say that (again.) Unless we're doing that whole what's old is new again. Actually, I wouldn't mind that, I still miss the 80's.

I posted this over on the Casey Affleck thread and other ones before that but here it is again with the key parts underlined. Once again, this is from someone who has actually met him and is/was a friend or acquaintance.

That's not how the legal system works.

So, who's up for an Argo style caper where he thinks he's been hired to direct a film and instead we end up flying him to the US or the nearest country who will definitely extradite him to the US? (Depending on how good a plane we get?)

I'm not a big fan of the use of the word "woke", especially not like this. Just like to register my disapproval now, if that's OK.

You can add Luc Besson to that list. Also, keep in mind he is/was friends or at least acquaintances with him unlike a lot of these people who've probably never even met him.

"Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them"

Jeremy Clarkson (formerly of Top Gear) on punching Piers Morgan in the face.

The heart's actually central on us humans. You might want to double check the name of the planet you're currently doing your abductions on …