
Interesting to see how well some of the people who were once knew from Buffy the Vampire Slayer have done. Looks like David Boreanaz may well have done the best of them all, with about 20 years of near continuous work on TV. By the end of Bones, his income plus residuals after that shows ends alone will the enormous.

Fascinating idea which I'll add to my ever growing list of things to catch up on. As a point of discussion, does anyone else notice in a lot of fiction, despite the fact that humanity survived everything thrown at it from Ice Ages to the Toba Supervolcano explosion to everything else even though there were so many

Maybe Lucifer can write her a character reference or something for St. Peter? (or whoever is manning the gates at the Silver City in this setup.)

… and at no point did anyone think of getting a special effects technician to fake their injuries. I mean the first guy was an actor for goodness sake. I mean even I was able to find someone who could make it look like I had leprosy for a university presentation after a few minutes on google.

I wish I could forget I'd ever even heard of the Battlestar Galactica remake. Never has so much promise been squandered so quickly. Turning itself my favourite TV show to (still) my most hated ever was quite an achievement.

Counterpoint (obviously just IMO) I think Battlestar Galactica (remake) is the single worst television show to ever be aired and I regret every minute I ever spent watching it.

King Radical killed off all of the Senate and Congress … and became wildly popular as a result.

Jaws: The Revenge is a location.

I really don't understand the resistance to bringing Romana back at all. I mean, they're not bound by the books and audio series, so last we know for sure in terms of TV was that she was in E-Space after Warrior's Gate, so of those topping the list of those surviving what happened to Gallifrey, she'd have to be right

Well, this sequel to Avatar reuniting Michelle Rodriguez and Sigourney Weaver took a dark turn …

Ask Vago the Carpathian.

She could have come back to the show (as had Elisabeth Sladen, though it could have been either/or) around the time Tom Baker was going to leave but she also turned them down at the time. She says she probably would have done it in retrospect.

Further fun fact, it was thought to be a mostly lost story until it was found a few years ago in a cupboard in a Nigerian TV station in Jos.

Nothing about Al Gore's military service sounds pretend to me. For starters, he could have avoided going altogether.

Well, I think part of why this all worked so well is that especially given some things Joe Biden has been documented doing complete with video evidence, you couldn't help but feel that all these things could quite plausibly happen for real.

I think the "deplorables" comment did much more damage than that. Yes, I know the full context of it but given how Romney got filleted over that 47% comment (which was also in a so-called private meeting), she should have more sense than that at all times (in public or private) than to give people something that could

Well, he wasn't wrong about the whole Rust Belt flipping red for the first time since 1992 … back in July 2016. Maybe more people should have listened and done something when there was still time - no, not just celebrities either.

Well, Brian May of Queen has a Phd. in astrophysics, so how that for a start?

That reminds me of the character in the UK Queer as Folk (yes, I know it was first, I'm not a heathen) who wouldn't date anyone who couldn't name every actor who played the Doctor. I do have to disagree with him saying Paul McGann doesn't count, though.

You magnificent bastard. How did none of us quote that sooner?