
It's even better given that I believe neither Ronny Cox nor Kurtwood Smith were known for villain roles, if anything they were casting against type. Cox of course went on to do Vilos "back home in time for cornflakes" Cohaagen who was also a magnificent piece of villainy.

You know that whole "We're not going to need physical media anymore, we can just stream everything we want whenever we want?" I'm not convinced.

Dante's Peak and Volcano.

That was a really shit retcon, that Bob Morton just got really lucky with his candidate for the program. Apart from the fight between Peter Weller's Robocop and the new and improved one at the end, that film was an out and out fiasco (yes, unfortunately I have also seen Robocop 3 which was even worse.)

I think it shows the power of the written word. The way I imagined the scene in my head based on the description was that there was a giant building electrical storm above Las Vegas as that scene played out and the storm formed into the shape of a hand that streaked towards the bomb.

I'm glad I could in my small way help with that especially given what's coming.

I'll allow it. In fact, I insist on it.

Even in spite of everything else, if there had been just one difference …


Deepstar Six plus Leviathan plus The Abyss. It really is a thing in Hollywood that similarly themed movies come out in clusters, isn't it?

That series has one of the very best openings to … well, anything I've seen with the tracking shot through Project Blue scored to "Don't Fear the Reaper" after the superflu escaped. I'd link to it except some spoilsport or other has had them all taken down.

Let's remember Miguel Ferrer with his and Kurtwood Smith's contributions to this very funny anecdote about the infamous "Bitches Leave scene."

All that audiovisual stuff actually belonged to the guy who owned the apartment they were filming in. They didn't set that up for the scene, it was there when they got there.


Being actual billionaires, I'm sure they'll adapt and start pulling his strings soon enough. Ever heard that tape where a comedian rang up the Wisconsin governor and pretended to be a Koch? Says it all, really …

Haven't the Koch Brothers invested in NPR and PBS? You'd think they might have something to say about this.

Just in case for (bizarre) argument's sake, anymore proof was needed …

I'm pretty sure Gore knew how that was going to go (after all, he did have several decades in government dealing with people like this) but you might as well take the shot when it presents itself on the off chance something might come of it. Where's there's life there's hope (though there's a non-insignificant chance

I remember. I also remember they had the worst run of bad luck. If one less thing had gone wrong, Gore would have been president. It was the perfect storm of all fuck ups and we've all been paying for it ever since.

I remember reading about someone pitching to Hasbro a My Little Pony/Transformers/G.I Joe crossover and Hasbro went Hahahahaha no.