
I believe to the credit of the My Little Pony movie, they're using the usual voice cast alongside celebrities. Also, to the credit of Michael Bay (I can't believe I just wrote that), he did hire Peter Cullen to voice Optimus Prime in the movie series and also get back Frank Welker for all of the sequels in some

"The Evil of Two Lessers."

I saw Al Gore on stage in Sydney back in 2007 give the original presentation.

I've always hated that statement with a fiery passion. Firstly there was the whole "Who do you want to have a beer with?". You don't want a new best friend, you want someone who can do the job. That plus having a beer with a recovering alcoholic … well says it all, doesn't it?

I heard it might have been because the higher ups really didn't want Capaldi and Ferguson reminiscing about all the alcohol and drugs they took when they were in a band together after Capaldi was now officially the Doctor. I believe LSD was just one of the things involved.

I wish I'd remembered this sooner but here it is for posterity. The show found Liam Neeson's first ever fan. Now you'd wonder how you could prove or quantify that … but you actually can in this case!

I do remember thanks to this whole saga, I learned a bit about how some words in US English and UK English can have quite different meanings.

Oh, I agree there's more to it than that. Those of from genuine left wing countries find all these accusations of the Democratic Party being ultra-left wing commie pinko traitors ludicrous. They've been a conservative right wing party by many people's standards for some time now.

To give you an idea of how stupid some people in America were over this … and America generally now that I think about it, I remember Courtney Cox telling this story when this was all going on about how some woman started yelling abuse at her in public (might have even pursued her too) because she thought her name was

I can't see the Democratic Party holding the presidency continuously from 1992 to now. If Gore won in 2000, he may then have won in 2004.

True, there's no certainties in life and especially big things like that. Still, even a Gore administration from 2000-2004 only would have spared us the reign of terror of Bush the Much Lesser. People say he's a good (if stupid guy), he's not - he was just as vile and petty (and stupid) as the others, he just hid it

OK, let's play that game. You of your own free will with no coercion pursued a married man who happened to be president. The resulting scandal of which you were a willing participant and maybe you're even suggesting initiator (from other versions of this story I've heard though let's not forget older man who should

This entire article is wrong and this is why.

Well, Al Gore's tax plan gave the cuts in a more balanced fashion to the middle classes and less to the rich (and overall the drop in tax revenue would have been much less), his administration would have built on 8 years of the Clinton administration as opposed to it immediately being dismantled (here we go again) and

If any of us ordinary people tried that argument in court, I can't see how we'd be avoiding a hefty fine and probable jail time, not to mention an incredibly furious judge who would add an extra dose of kicking our ass.



We were trying to save some surprises for the people at home. If we put all the Miriam Margoyles anecdotes in the comment section, people would end up watching her clips and thinking "I don't see what the fuss is about …" No sorry, I couldn't finish that with a straight face. People would still be stunned even if they

Good related and informational article on The Guardian, here. Despite the title, there's a lot about the food in terms of its origin and makeup, too.

One of my favourite stories was when they had Diane Kruger (from a small town originally of 2,000 people), Matthew Fox (from a really small town of 13) and John Bishop (Liverpool).