
The was a book written by British author/musician Mick Farren called The Armageddon Crazy which was set in a totalitarian future US where the religious fundamentalists had taken over, the country had retreated into itself, knowledge and learning were shunned, women had been kicked out of everything possible and a

Now that's serendipity in action. It wasn't a spell-check accident, more the signs of a grokked brain. It's like when I was meaning to type "Deep Thought" for the supercomputer from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and totally failed to notice I'd typed "Deep Throat" until someone pointed it out.

If this reporting is accurate (and since there's direct quotes, seems better odds than usual), sounds like it was her daughter and brother's idea in the first place.

I know I've recycled this many times before but it bears repeating over and over again. In a choice between one man who had 24 years of federal experience (8 years a Congressman, 8 years a Senator, and the 8 years as Vice-President.), they instead went with some who'd been governor one state for a bit (where the

President of the Imperial Galactic Government

Then of course, there was Graham Chapman continuing to tour with Monty Python after his death and cremation.


I only thought of this recently for Passengers, so too late for the movie review but I wonder if this would have worked better.

Excellent explanation of how the scientists investigating public health worked out what was going on here.

You're adorable.

I think at the end of the day coincided with me getting old(er).

Wasn't the story that the film-makers of The Big Sleep wanted to know who killed a particular character and so they asked the author and he wasn't entirely sure either?

I'm more of a Korean movie person myself (was The Handmaiden great or what?) - also, I've found the movies much easier to source. I've seen fragmented bits and pieces of the TV shows and dramas (usually on TV in South Korea and strangely enough, once in Hong Kong) but complete TV series, not really (the films, a lot

I'm going to do an extreme Sean O'Neal over the next 12-24 months. I'm already down to just two TV shows (Lucifer and Agents of SHIELD) and that's probably going to be zero sooner rather than later.

Korean historical dramas + "I plan to consume a lot of horror, a genre that I neglected for a long time … Romero, Hooper, Bava, Carpenter, Argento etc …"

Maybe part of it is that you're having characters who are hundreds of years old played by people who are not and are written by people not that much older. Happens in this film series, those TV Series and so on (I mean, I know that's not physically possible but think the difference between 20 year olds and 80 year

I put together what I thought was a consistent justification for the difference through what even I think is a fairly narrow window to thread this explanation through. Of course, your mileage may vary.

Maybe it's just my bad luck and I've just hit the duds out of his recommendations but those hits have been truly dreadful to the point where I don't want to risk it anymore. I dipped my toe in once more after a long break some years back and really regretted it ever since.

Jay Mohr added Nikki Cox's surname to his name when they married.

I think at least Buffy had the honesty to show how toxic such a relationship would be given the nature of the parties involved, their disparities and how quickly it would burn out. It was actually quite a realistic outcome from what was quite an implausible fantasy starting point. Something that also came up in both