
They couldn't really. Especially when Angel and Angelus went head to head in what was for all intents and purposes an all in brawl in Season 4 of Angel - they were quite clearly different entities especially when the trash talk (in an alley literally full of trash) started.

One of my favourite Christopher Walken stories isn't that unusual but I guess it was partly the way he told it. I didn't necessarily expect him and Clint Eastwood to be friends or even acquaintances (I'm self-aware enough to know not everyone knows everyone in Hollywood) but if asked, I would have figured they at

However, Christopher Walken can get away with anything, anywhere as history has shown time and time again (and if anything, elevates at least the section with his contribution). As history has also shown, Al Pacino - not so much.

I think at that point (assuming they were never not at that point which is debatable), they figured there wouldn't be a significant number of people who cared either way in terms of buying tickets or not so why bother spending anymore money or making anymore effort than you absolutely had to?

Google Blade and Twilight in Google Images. My favourite one has a certain Dexter catchphrase thrown in.

It can sometimes be weird, though. For example, if you looked at Stephen Baldwin's career minus The Usual Suspects, you might come to one conclusion which seems quite reasonable based on all that evidence.

"Mockingly needed to be two books."

Naked Gun + Naked Gun 2 and 1/2 + Naked Gun 33 and 1/3 gives you almost 37 Naked Guns right there. Throw in Police Squad and you've sailed so far above the bar you've set there, you're practically in outer space.

I upvoted you because I thought you were responding to YouthInAsia.

Oh, you're in so much trouble.

I guess I must be contrarian because if something's really popular, I somehow end up not looking at it. I've never read a Harry Potter book or seen any of the movies either. No reason, just never did..

So following in the fine tradition of Predator and Lethal Weapon 4 then?*

I thought and still think peak Stephen King (70's-80's) was great but my goodness did he recommend some stinkers. In fact, the biggest percentage of books I've never finished (easily >50%) are ones with recommendations from him on the cover. In fact, I now actively avoid those. Broke that rule only once a few years

I guess it even goes a step further that in the Buffy mythos, vampires aren't you, you're dead and something else from somewhere else is now occupying and piloting your corpse. Something with no compulsion of killing and destroying everything in their path at that.

There's some pictures which have put the Twilight couple in the same picture as Blade which are well worth seeking out.

In contrast, just thinking back to Buffy, you would never have thought that Spike could have gotten into a triangle with her and Angel, however even when Angel departed Sunnydale for Los Angeles and his own show, they still made you think there was always the possibility however increasingly small that got as time

… and to think Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel hadn't ended that long ago when this all started. It's amazing to think things went on to regress substantially going by this article from there in terms of demonstrating your own independence and intelligence that those two shows were trying to demonstrate as a

If he can walk away from the train wreck that was Gigli unscathed as he seems to have done (said to be the best thing in the film from those rumoured to have seen it - apparently they do exist), he can indeed walk away from anything.

Here's Will Arnett and Rhea Seehorn doing something vaguely along these lines much better in half the time. Also with added James van der Beek.

I don't think I'd call a man who frequently caucused with the Democratic Party and voted with them almost all of the time in the Senate and Congress over many years a carpet-bagger.