
Also let's not forget there was a Democratic Congress and Senate too when Nixon was president (remember those? at this rate we're going to need history books for that - assuming they're not from Texas) which was able to make him do things they wanted and slow down things they did not.

He's the sort of candidate that in the past people would have expected to be out by the first primaries in New Hampshire at the latest. Especially in retrospect, the fact that he went on to win 22 states against a very powerful and established political machine with a fraction of what they had when he started in terms

I'm not saying anything definite as that's futile and impossible. What we do know is that there's definitely people who went Sanders primary/Republican general election. Also, we know there's people who didn't vote in either primary who would have gone Sanders in the general but since he wasn't on the ticket, voted

… and it may not have worked. Look what they had against the guy on the other side for all the good it did the Democrats. Especially given how much conventional political theory (and hundreds of years of precedent got tipped on its head), it's impossible to say. Maybe it would have been damaging or maybe it would have

… and I'm sure there was a sizeable number of Democrats who wanted the Republican candidate to be … who it was. Given the entirety of past US history, it wasn't that unreasonable a position to take (hindsight's a wonderful thing.)

Were they all people who would never have voted for a Democrat anyway? I'm guessing part of the argument for Senator Sanders is that those weren't ever the people he was going to get either, he was appealing to people who might consider voting from the Democratic Party if he was the candidate as he was different to

Even following the insane troll logic that John McCain did something wrong in getting captured (which I know is not the case you are making), it's not like he had any choice given he had to bail out of a shot-up aircraft and I believe was either knocked out or at least stunned when he hit the ground and ended up with

Senator Sanders won both the Michigan and Wisconsin primaries so it wasn't just hindsight that he might have done better in the Rust Belt given the wafer thin margins there. Also, Michael Moore warned everyone the Democratic Party would lose the Rust Belt at least months before the election and they did - almost all

If there's anyone who'd know about Dawes it'd be you, Mr Vanderlay. I'm honoured to get a reply from your good self and as long as there's at least one of us still here from that time, what you did will never be forgotten and there'll always be one person here to turn on the lights.

Well, I figured one way to do the corruption angle in Training Day is like what they did with Kyle Secor's character in Homicide (Bayliss, I think - do I have the actor and character right?)

Comment/username synergy is off the charts here!

"The A.V. Club tells you what to watch in 2017"

That sounds like Mary Tamm (the first Romana on Doctor Who) and her husband from what I remember.

I believe he ends up meeting God at one point. It's never stated outright (of course) but the implication is there.

Interestingly enough, she said she still voted for Elizabeth Taylor at the Academy Awards the year Taylor nearly died from some terrible illness.

Didn't get a chance to post this earlier but this feels like a better place than the other articles because it's starting with (as well as its initial focus) is remembering how much fun she was in life . Given what we know about how things are done, it doesn't seem implausible that Carrie Fisher and James Earl Jones

Quantum Leap had form in this area. Like when they ended up giving Stephen King a whole bunch of ideas for starters.

To be fair, I've long since seen articles like this one:

The Happiness of the Katakuris is to musicals what Audition is to romantic drama.