
Edge of Tomorrow did a lot better internationally (about $270 million - I know a smaller percentage goes back to the studio, though) and even with the domestic, a strange thing happened. These days, a film opening under $30 million virtually never gets to $100 million but word got out that it was … actually good. It

I saw the first four in the cinema and paid to watch part 5 legally on youtube (and still bitterly regret not seeing it at the cinema.)

Someone clearly hasn't seen The Happiness of the Katakuris.

We survived the great drought from 1989-2005 (yes, yes I know - the TV movie and I'm ever so grateful for Paul McGann.) A year was dead easy in comparison. As will be waiting until April.

Believe it or not, there was talk of a Blake's Seven/Doctor Who crossover as well as the Daleks being the invaders from the Andromeda Galaxy during the battle for Star One instead.

Frobisher is probably a case of this. People may not have even noticed. To paraphrase my favourite Orphan Black clone, Krystal Goderitch, "You think that's what I look like?" in reference to an admittedly particularly scraggly looking Sarah at that point.

Responses to this in no particular order:

On the flipside, the Fourth Doctor is left to regenerate with some relative strangers who joined him late (to very late in his run.) I personally think even in the short term, it wouldn't have had a lasting effect. I would have just at the time even thought, cool, my #1 and/or #2 of all time (even now) favourite

What was the reaction to The Thing (2011) given it had at least 8 Norwegian characters of whom at least 5 were played by actual Norwegians (and of the other three, two were probably Norwegians - just no Wikipedia article on them - and a Dane) ?

Actually, in the case of this episode, the Doctor could have gone as far as a really severe burn by saying the Autons already tried that whole substituting for world leaders bit and look where that got them.

Hang on a minute, I know you, don't I?

Bringing Elisabeth Sladen back to the show was inspired. It worked out so well. Having huge fans working on the show in such a capacity (Davies, Moffat, Tennant, now Capaldi) can be a double-edged sword but it's worked out brilliantly so far.

I was just thinking today in fact that School Reunion clearly had a man who was not acting (David Tennant) but was genuinely delighted to be in a scene with one of his idols (Elisabeth Sladen.)

No, that's more or less what I've been thinking for a long time but you put it much better than I ever could, though I might swap out "atypical" for "not very good".

I look at it like the balance of power is progressively shifting. Keep in mind, we're seeing River's life more or less in reverse. The first/(all but) last time she meets the Doctor, he knows literally nothing and she knows (just about everything). Every successive meeting after that is unavoidably shifting that

Ever since Doctor Who came back (those of us who grew up on the original were very patient), there's been a lot I don't like - and I've been absolutely delighted at this fact. For starters, if everything had been what I thought was a perfect A+ episode, the show probably would have been off the air in as little as six

My big problem with Clara was at least twice, she's telling the Doctor he can't do what he has to do to avert catastrophe (Day of the Doctor and that abominable moon spider episode) and yet offers no plausible alternative (as in, if we do nothing, everyone's going to die anyway.) The fact that a Deux Ex is then pulled

Turns out a guy in my building worked on the picture. He says it's better than Prometheus. The obvious problem with that is that's quite a wide spectrum we have here.

Obviously, each individual case is different but the other thing I learned a long time ago is leave it to the medical staff and not the media about what's actually going on. Especially with the ever increasing tendency to report first, not most accurately.

We have a picture of three of our ED (ER) staff receiving an award for performing CPR for about 45 minutes on someone when they had an arrest at this sporting event they were coincidentally at. They survived.