
Fortunately for Ethan Hawke (and us), he made some very smart choices. Films like Predestination (which was superb) and other low budget films like Sinister and The Purge, both of which were low budget but made a lot more than they cost - he had a cut of the gross for The Purge and I wouldn't be at all surprised if

Coming from a Sri Lankan family (and one who's had government ministers (plural) murdered in our street), can I just say there's just a bit more to it than that? Also, and not just with our country, sometimes religion is also used as a cynical cover for things as banal as garden variety corruption and theft as well.

If you haven't seen Aliens … you should see Aliens as that's where I first heard it before Buffy. If you haven't seen Alien, you should also see that.

The overt comedy dream bits are great but how they sneak that more subtle one in there was great. "Why are you pulling my leg?" Great set up there.

Oh man, how did I miss this newswire before now? I was in one of these on Korean Air. The guy in the seat in front of me got very drunk, there was a brawl and an attempt to put him in a headlock (he swore quite a lot in Korean, used every word I knew and then some.) and finally when we landed in Seoul, some very nice

Mystique was about 28 in First Class, 38 or 39 in Days of Future Past and 49 to 50 in Apocalypse. Now, the obvious explanation is that her power could fix her appearance to any age (by the time of the original series, she was past her mid 60s) but then that does raise the question about the other mutants.

The one I really noticed was the excellent "Your Appointment Will Be Yesterday" being incorporated into Counter-Clock World which unfortunately turned out to be a bit of a mess, I thought. On the other hand, The Defenders (I think that's the name) was much better as The Penultimate Truth.

She's delightful.

I'm so glad I saw all that all the buzz about that film from a variety of sources I trust all said such good things about the film, finally got around to seeing it and loved it. I just died with that bit about the ankle holster.

I really did like Train to Busan but I do agree with some of the criticisms. The things I found on the nose were:

I have in fact not only heard of it but also seen that film. I still remember how trippy the end was (probably some 2001 Stargate sequence thrown in there which I'm sure was quite deliberate) - and indeed, the detonation sequence of Sunshine was not entirely dissimilar.

Well, here's some of his dialogue from that moment.

I'll pass that one over to Douglas Adams, who already covered that very topic many decades ago in "Mostly Harmless".


Well, I was thinking an out as for why they can't do that is that the repeated cycling on/off could risk breaking the machine and/or the damage to human physiology precludes it as well if you keep waking and going back to sleep repeatedly. I mean that could be a narrative out as to why you couldn't do that, I suppose.

I guess a possible out for not being able to do the alternating thing like that is that the situation with these machines is maybe the repeated cycling of the system could lead to it breaking down and/or the damage to human physiology if you're continually awoken and put back to sleep.

If the rumour I heard that they approached David Fincher is true and he takes the job, I'd be all for it. For starters, if nothing else it'd mean they had a completed script this time (I have a feeling he's the kind of director who'd insist on one.)

I believe the short story/novella does do that. I could understand how descriptions of the process work better in text than they might do on film hence their compressing it for reasons of pacing.

Will Smith and Jennifer Lopez?

Never actually seen the show but I had heard of that episode and how it ended. Had no idea about the trip being so long, though. Just that he was stuck on his own. Also a very appropriate episode to bring up for obvious reasons.