
I actually did have the paragraph about it from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Wiki (and how it underwent total existence failure) loaded up and even copied into my clipboard but decided not to use it (and just stick with Red Dwarf for that comment.)

Given that it's a film about people's best laid plans going awry and setting traps, that seems strangely appropriate somehow.

There was one prior reference.

I believe that's along the lines of the fate of the much unlamented Red Dwarf USA pilot. "Can we make Lister less of a slob and more relatable (never mind that could be why so many people in the UK at least related to him)." and well … we don't think the Cat's working out here so let's do it again, this time with

In terms of science fiction novels which have themes at least tangentially related to this film, I highly recommend Vernor Vinge's Marooned in Real Time which is the sequel to The Peace War. I also think it's the gold standard of how to make a sequel radically different to what it is following up (but still

Amazing how everyone's thought lines are going along the same tracks, Red Dwarf, Pandorum, Pet and even Event Horizon have all been brought up independently by more than one person in this comment section in relation to the plot of this film.

Stargate Universe kind of did something which was obliquely along this lines where the entire ship was replicated, the original fell through a wormhole, skipped forward in time, or whatever while the duplicate ended up carving its own path in so called slow/regular time and ended up with the originals meeting

Funnily enough, that's exactly what happened to Arnold J. Rimmer in the first Red Dwarf novel.

… and Antje Traue.

Don't worry, I've been around here long enough to know, at least most of the time (I think …)

Or even better, how about make it into an outer space version of this film?

The real life name of one of the cast is Aurora Perrineau (yes, every relation to.)

Believe it or not, I wasn't using it to name drop (already did that in a previous comment section) but to demonstrate how you can say something factually correct and yet still be misleading (so, much like the trailers for this film - OH SNAP.)

I once brought up Event Horizon in a conversation with Arthur C. Clarke. For some reason, he didn't want to talk about it.

I heard a rumour about the still-stuck in development hell remake of Logan's Run that they were thinking of making Logan a female character. Maybe a role that might have been better for Jennifer Lawrence than this one, though given the level of snark in her public persona, maybe she would have worked better as a

That's basically one of the starting premises of Red Dwarf for all intents and purposes and at its best, it was extremely well done, too.

Sunshine's just an accidental remake of Event Horizon anyway.

How hard would it have been to set it up so that at all times, a fraction of the total number of sleepers are awake at all times? It would have just been a few years of everyone's lives out of the total journey and much more prudent.

There's a reason why the ship's computer in Red Dwarf resurrected as a companion for the last human in existence, not a hologram of the girl of his dreams but instead the person calculated to be most likely to keep him sane - even if at a conscious level he hated that person. It may not have seemed like it at first …

So, has Ryan Gosling's character tracked Rick Deckard to the Korean peninsula? There was a lot of mixing of languages and cultures in the original but from what we can see, it's highly suggestive of a Korean railway station as that's the only letters we can see in any language in the windows. Also, it would have made