
On top of the salt, it's remarkable how much sugar can be in things you wouldn't expect, like everything from V8 juice to baked beans and even tomato and chili sauce. Makes sense in retrospect but I really wouldn't have known the extent had I not started reading labels much more closely.

Beware the really bad diets that can make you go blind through severe chronic Vitamin A deficiency. You have to really work hard to make this happen, though.

What about Dr Pepper?

Goes in for the finishing move. Amazing what history can have to tell us.

In looking into how much salt we really should eat each day, in terms of optimal health outcomes, we probably shouldn't eat any processed food at all (easier said than done, I know.) The best figure is probably in the 1.5g to 2g range. Practical upshot, it's not easy (too low can also be an issue as well but most of

Well, it's not like I'm well known here for being among the sane and rational ones of us. Also, to be fair it's also the UK as well as the US that's implicated.

"The Sugar Conspiracy"

Who was at the meetup and where was it out of interest?

Insofar as agreeing that Keanu Reeves was better than Will Smith would have been in the part, I and Will Smith are actually already in agreement with that, so nobody needs to come at anybody about that.

Channelling some Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy there (in reference to the bit about elevators.)

Oh, of course. Once again, Wolverine kind of ended up stealing that movie thanks to that one scene and its F-munition (and excellent strategic deployment of Gnarls Barkley). Perfect callback to it too in Days of Future Past.

I know you'd know. That's for the benefit of the wider audience out there who may not all know it's not actually under law in the US (unlike a lot of our home countries which are actual federal or state/provinical law) and instead a sleight-of-head that the major studios are actually very happy to go along with.

Occasionally, the limitations can produce some sheer genius. Oblivion's deployment of their sole allowed F-bomb was masterful and very funny.

The original ending before the reshoots kind of had that with him realising this and letting the test subject go (and the infected not killing him) but then they screw up by having him leave Manhattan with the other survivors by driving over a bridge, something the movie had earlier made a point of saying they'd all

I actually agree. It was totally irrational (that robot was no more able to do anything different than your alarm clock ever not going off when its set) and totally believable as people can be like that. It still annoyed me though (probably also irrationally.)

"Everything that has a beginning, has an end, Neo*"

7 Degrees 7 Separations

I think they must have insofar as taking the meaning of "I am Legend" and having it mean the exact opposite of what was clearly intended in the book in that 2007 movie. It couldn't be any more diametrically opposite if you planned it.

Well, apparently, he turned The Matrix series down because he "didn't get it." However, after turning down both that and The Lord of the Rings, he went for The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and we all know the consequences of that now, didn't we?

I Robot (to the surprise of no-one, an unrelated script with Asimov grafted on) had one element that really annoyed me is that he hates robots because they saved his life.