
Mark Protosevich did a script which at least the first half was very good but they totally butchered it. I was especially annoyed that the whole repeated siege element of his home was dropped (something the other previous adaptations had) and that the zombies/vampires/whatever weren't shown to have any intelligence as

In a different universe (different Matrix?), it could have been Will Smith as Neo, Russell Crowe as Morpheus and Sean Connery as the Architect.

You know, another way to move on could be to quit acting and do something else (aka actually moving on). I heard Tom Selleck has been off trying to avocado farm of all things, for starters.

Unlike a lot of countries, I believe the MPAA actually has no legal standing in law. However, as there's general agreement to use their ratings, it has in effect become the standard (This Film is Not Yet Rated is a film about them that's just as timely as ever).

I'm going to guess he made a point of arranging for back end gross points in exchange.

I could have sworn that Satan was meant to be Lawful Evil, not Chaotic Evil. Did Fox lie to me again? (I'm talking about the TV show Lucifer here which probably still contains more real news than their actual news programmes.)

At the very least for FTWD, I wonder why they didn't do what a lot of us thought they would do which was have different people drawn from any of the following: military, police, government, medical, scientists and so on and showing them in their different areas of crisis management and have the survivors of those come

I'm getting a mind controlled Jill Valentine Resident Evil 5 vibe right down to the submarine crashing through the ice of all things. Check Dom for giant mechanical spiders attached to him somewhere because that would explain a lot.

At the time I saw it (a long, long time ago), I thought it was especially discordant given Evil Dead 1, 2 and it were supposed to be one continuous story (each film started where the last one left off - more so if you cut certain pieces of footage necessitated by rights issues and the like.)

Well, I guess going by the C- for the episode review … was that the equivalent of the supermarket ending in Army of Darkness then?

Actually, even though I've used that a few times recently in non-AV Club settings, actually no. I only thought of it after I saw your reply and not straight away either. Also just realised that I could have made a "Go directly to (movie) jail." joke too. L'espirit d'escalier and all that.

Do not pass GO.

Go see GO immediately.

As Dopehead has just beaten me to it …

Obligatory "Now if only we could have trapped some US presidents in ice Captain America style - except for the part about thawing them out later [insert names as per personal political views and preferences]."

The problem there as you know was they gave all three branches of government to one party in 2000, so they actually caused the reverse effect. Now they've done it again in 2016 and if you had to pick the one party of the two whose interests align the least with the majority of their citizens, it's clearly this one.


David Bowie, as always, ahead of the times.

Well, the increased distance away from the US should in theory give us more time to get our affairs in order (the closing of heavy industry here should also mean less nuclear targets), so there's also that.

Well, given they had one of the worst candidates possible to go up against (well, at the time, little did we know), they really should have won that one by miles. It's deja vu all over again as they have been known to say in my part of the world (we're kind of stupid that way.)