
Well, if it's any consolation, it's not my nation (it's one of those ones which has had those unrealistic plans of Senator Sanders for about 40 years or so now.)

I was only quoting Raylan Givens from Justified, Jake.

(Not directed at you personally)

"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

To (sadly) paraphrase an author I now can't stand, she won the game that wasn't being played.

That Iron Sky documentary clearly showed all the senior politicians of the world were clearly in on it, being lizard people from the Hollow Earth themselves. Still, he would have been our lizard.

I was just saying you can be an asshole and smart. This is clearly a combination of asshole and stupid. Reading about how a Nissan car plant in the UK had the majority of workers voting for Brexit and then not being worried about the result despite the fact their employers kind of counted on it being in the EU in the

I do assume that based on the fact he'd been a close part of the administration in the previous 8 years. Even putting aside that his tax plan would have more equitably distributed the cuts and other proposed benefits (as opposed to funnelling as much as possible to the top like the Michigan Knife Vortex), one

I think there's more to it than that. You can be one of those and still not be stupid and/or self-destructive.

I'll never understand this:

I know, right?

At this rate, it might just be easier for us to just regularly wire our paychecks to Disney's bank accounts.

"Listen, this could be the longest interview of our lives if you start me on that. "

Outstanding, Will. This career had a whole area from an era I'm not familiar with at all as well as some great personal anecdotes and personal reflections on such well known people as Abe Vigoda and Ron Glass, both of whom we sadly lost so recently.

"… who or what is a Man-Thing …"

Ben Bova from the novel "Cyberbooks"

"… and I cannot lie. You other brothers can't deny …"

"Game over, man! Game over!"

I hope you don't mind having to stand in a queue.

As per usual, this is all James Franco's fault.