
If he is a replicant, he's not a very good one (I'm guessing a non-combat model) because they all hand him his ass.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe."

I'm going to side step this issue by strongly recommending:

I found him terrifying even in Miami Vice.

I love it when shows like this put in some genuine science and bring things to my attention. On top of everything else, I feel I've learned about something today which I can look up, in this case it was The Demon Core.

"She's a gal who made a gal pretending to be another gal!"

Some people might already have some strong views on that topic such as Agent Does My Health Insurance Cover a Neck Brace?

Time is a flat circle.

Maybe it could depend on how it moves into romantic territory that doesn't quite sit right that could make things interesting.

If there were any problems with the character of Lincoln, his last dialogue more than made up for it. Not just the words he said but how he said them.

I've been thinking that if Grant Ward did return it'd be from escaping from Hell or something like that since we had Ghost Rider on the show.

Best villain arc/resolution out of all things Marvel. Hive and Lincoln just chilling after showing they both understood in the end why the other was doing what they did. A nice downbeat way to end things and just magic as a result.

Well, that's their loss, not yours Dr Alex McCown-Levy.

Well, here's hoping they put a clever spin on it. They've been pretty good in that department so far with subverting tropes and expectations.

PhD thread

What if that's what tips Coulson off that something is wrong when LMD May starts taking an interest in him beyond just being professional?

This show has just been surprising everyone year after year, hasn't it?

Deleted scene: Mission almost derailed because Mace couldn't find his suit.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Daisy Johnson was at one time the Director of SHIELD in the comics at some point?

I think Ultron would have been better served in a TV series where he could have been developed over time, like in the comics. As it was in a film, you unavoidably have to wrap things up in the vicinity of 2 to 3 hours, so the Age of Ultron ended up being more the Week of Ultron if even that.