
I think "evil" might not be the right word, it transcends that to "clinically most logical path". It might be one of those "needs of the many outweigh the one or the few" gone wrong cases.

The bottle had corked?

Actually, something like what they did with John Henry in The Sarah Connor Chronicles, where everyone thought it was simply going to take down Skynet but John Henry clearly had other ideas …

The episode 4722 Hours was first class and its follow up when they returned to the planet of blue filters was no slouch either.

I knew that agent was doomed once he clearly had his name mentioned and he got increased screen time this episode.

At this point, May and Coulson are really going to need a secret handshake or something because after Agent 33 and this …

"Doesn't anyone remember Ultron?"

"The Democrats won the popular vote by millions of votes. What they're doing seems to be working okay - Trump squeaked out a victory because his votes were distributed JUST right. The Dems also won the popular vote in the Senate, and the House is so gerrymandered that they don't have a shot no matter what they do.

Just caught that film recently because of so many recommendations. So glad I did. Its relative under-performance at the box office is why we can't have nice things.

I suspect there was a lot of studio interference. The whole humans as batteries thing was one, I believe they wanted to do something that made much more sense (and obeyed laws of physics and chemistry) by human brains being needed for parallel processing (like the Hyperion book series with the AI Technocore).

I have no idea if this story is true or not but it's too good for me to have imagined it or made it up myself. A man had a friend who was a Tibetan monk that had had only ever seen 2 movies in his life, "Gone With the Wind" and "King Kong", after which he proclaimed Kong the greatest actor in motion picture history.

I heard they got the name T2 from the tea (google it, it's a thing). That seems so ridiculous, I don't care if it's really true or not, I want it to be.

I was wary because DC. Looks like my caution paid off. Wonder Woman is the first one of those I actually have considered seeing. Lucky the trailers were in the order they were, the second one put me right off but given the goodwill of the first one, I'm still probably going to see it.

Even the concept of Logan kind of bummed me out (I know where it's sourced from). After all that trouble to make a better timeline in Days of Future Past - especially overwriting X3 - The Last Stand (I didn't know any spoilers when I saw it but secretly hoped for everyone who appeared at the end and I haven't been so

Scored perfectly, too. Possibly contentious opinion here but though far from perfect, the Matrix sequels are far better than a lot of people give them credit for - especially the idea that victory was not going to be through brute force - and that victory was much more like "compromise". All the theatrics were a side

As trailers haven't really been grabbing me lately, this has actually made me go back and think that one of the best trailers I've personally seen is for The Matrix Reloaded of all things.

Thank you for that missing piece of the jigsaw. I figured there had to be something like that available with withdrawing a plea otherwise it would be really risky that any deal you made could be rescinded and they could still use your guilty plea - which didn't seem right and didn't make sense/seem likely to me.

Well, this just went up in the last forty minutes or so. Confirms that Kasich, along with his wrecking crew were/are jerks and continuing to be so.

I'm seeing numerous mentions to the fact that the judge was going to change the sentence to 50 years. Is there any actual credible information backing that claim up? It's often been out that the judge is somehow at major fault from some quarters which is a bit rich given who's accused of what and it also doesn't help

I've only ever seen ads for Smash but I remember thinking, if they're making out someone to be that amazing, if they really were as good as they're making them out to be, wouldn't they be on actual Broadway then? It really was a lose/lose proposition there.