
Will has this site where he puts up his full interviews (I think my favourite is his one with Kate Pierson of the B-52's)

Oh, if I remember this correctly, he hasn't paid his victim the compensation he was supposed to either, apparently.

Plus, he was actually convicted. That's why statute of limitations don't apply in this case. Also, he presumably went for a deal (the nature of which should never have been offered) because there was a decent chance that given the facts, even back then he might have gotten a much worse sentence.

We're not going to do your cross-referencing for you. Also, some people don't spend all their time glued to this site and may either get here later or even miss this article. I'll get you started, though. I was there for that article and made my views known and here I am again. What happened in this case, I'm also

Susan Collins is a rank opportunist who should on the basis of this and her voting record be tossed out of the senate at the earliest opportunity (but probably won't be.)

I think you're right. Now that I think about it, I remember a documentary I saw and the discs they were using were massive. I guess they're protected from hacking as well as the technology is so old.

Well, until Terry Gilliam said things like this on Twitter. "Like many of Johnny Depp's friends I'm discovering that Amber is a better actress than I thought."

Why famous people should really shut up sometimes. It can get people killed in the worst cases.

"…it's unacceptable for a judge to withdraw a deal like that for a sentence …"

As I just told Scrawler, we've been within a whisker away from numerous accidents that could have started one already for decades now, so … actually that doesn't make anything any better at all now, does it?

If it's any consolation, due to the antiquated hardware (the computers are ancient and still use 5 and a quarter inch floppies, I believe), numerous accidents where bombs were lost including one failsafe trigger accident away from losing North Carolina, other's where real bombs were loaded in place of dummy ones and

I still wouldn't see Kasich as anything different from the rest. Same shit, different wrapper (first clue is 'Republican' - brand has devalued so much lately. He gets so much past the radar because … well, look at the rest of them.)

From what I remember, and please correct me if I'm wrong anyone, they had the plea deal and then pictures of this guy on bail in Europe (and why did he get bail?) carousing at parties got back to the judge which the judge was kind of not thrilled about given the charges he was under.

Keep in mind, these are just the cases we know about.

I think an important point to make is that judges aren't under any obligation to accept plea deals (at least that's my understanding).

Remarkable, isn't it? If you had the exact same facts of the case but the person responsible wasn't a famous film director, does anyone seriously believe Hollywood and other famous people would defend the perpetrator in the slightest?

I'm not saying anything in this post, I'm just leaving this here.

Oh, so the monster was inside the AV Club all along?

Well, it's not like there hasn't been worse ideas for the Star Wars movie series (which have been made into actual movies), so why not?

No, not what I meant (though yes, that too, doublethink is alive and well, as offensive to those of us grounded in reality, like it or not, it works) but the fact that over the last many years, the Democratic Party has been on the retreat from everything at all levels of government from the Senate to Congress and