
Well, apparently the answer to that is the Democrats are also stupid and incompetent generally. That's not completely without foundation.

*pulls gun out of own stomach and shoots self in head - television set explodes in solidarity*

He didn't get back to you not once but twice??? Just final proof to go with what Dean Winters already set in motion that he is indeed, History's Greatest Monster.

Well, not really. Didn't the president in Idiocracy find someone actually genuinely qualified to do the job that he couldn't and then let him take over willingly? For some reason, I feel that may not happen here.


For a moment Winston ignored the dial. He made a violent effort to raise
himself into a sitting position, and merely succeeded in wrenching his
body painfully.

We're at War With Eastasia. We've always been at war with Eastasia.

Haven't you heard? We're in a post-factual society now. Truth can be anything you say it is. George Orwell was so ahead of his time with 1984. 2+2 = 5 indeed.

I'm a Will Harris fan. It's obligatory whenever someone other than Will Harris is doing a Random Roles to look for any opening and say, "Now if Will Harris had been doing this …"

The opening to The Stand with Don't Fear the Reaper in conjunction with the tracking shot through Project Blue is perfect, though and should be mandatory for any remake

That's why you don't send a not-Will Harris to do a Will Harris's job. He'd have been all over that as well as a sequel to the Dean Winters Random Roles, not matter how obliquely. That's why franchises tend to go downhill when you change directors.

Now, you see if Will Harris had been doing this interview, there would have been a crossover of some sort with the Dean Winters Random Roles for sure, you'd think.


My favourite is the 3rd, "Life, the Universe, and everything". It has the perfect start with Wowbagger capping the start and the finish while it also brought what I thought was a nice conclusion to all three books.

It got a look all right, you could have screencapped his face at that moment and that's all you would have needed to put under "incredulous" in the dictionary.

Or MI5?

I'm doing a relative thing here as well, the TV series did the Guide segments much better than the movie in my opinion.

"hairstyling scenes are genuinely kinetic and thrilling."

You've made me remember one Graham Norton episode which had Diane Kruger (originally from a small town of 2000), Matthew Fox (from a really small town of 13) and John Bishop (YMMV on Manchester).

Always wondered if the Best Marigold Hotel film series ever reached out to the British actress Felicity Kendal (possibly best known for The Good Life TV series by many) as she grew up in India (performing Shakespeare at that) and could actually speak Hindi.