
I know that each version was different but the execution was very poor, even if it was what he wrote (there's always the surgery they perform on scripts no matter what anyone says.)

I didn't remember he was in it. Still don't.

I've both heard that he tried several times and that he turned them down (as well as a combination of the two, tried before, didn't want the role when it was finally offered.)

I think he and the Magrathea planet assembly line was about the only good thing from that film. Once again, a Hollywood film really not getting the source material and being beaten soundly in the execution stakes by the BBC, who probably didn't even have as much as the film's catering budget to make their version.

There's a film of his which I caught by accident as you do when you're in a hotel and it's just easier to watch what's on rather than change the channel or go do something else. I'm glad I didn't as I don't think I would have seen it otherwise. It was called Blow Dry and it had cast him as the main antagonist to Alan

I was watching that on TV in Sri Lanka and apart from Kate Beckinsale, didn't know who else was in it and I guess the CGI must have been at least decent because I suddenly sat up with a start at one of the vampires in full vampire mode and almost said out loud "Hang on, is that BILL NIGHY????"

As much as I openly fear and loathe Rick (of Ricktatorship fame - seriously, why has no-one shot him yet?), I have never found Andrew Lincoln creepier and more disturbing than in Love Actually. I swear I hate that film.

What I was trying to say but done much better. Bravo.

Streaming it, actually (on Big Scary Animal at the moment) because I don't have a copy of the cassette here. I do however have a copy of her album Real on tape and I'm look at it now (and the ghetto blaster I'd have to play it on.)

I just love Belinda Carlisle. I even have a copy of her Greatest Hits album (on cassette *and* CD). In fact, I'm going to listen to it again right now.

Look, if Alec Baldwin really wants to fully commit to playing the character properly, he's actually compelled to renege on his promises and therefore must renege on his promise to stop playing the character if those tax returns are released.

I admit I was mad and that was closer to my initial response. People have corrected me where I need correcting and I've tempered and redirected my reactions accordingly.

Point taken. I fell into the trap of thinking Hollywood as being synonymous with the world's movie industry, especially also given the lead was such a famous US actor.

Yes, yes that was obviously what I was saying. That every last molecule of every last element in Hollywood was inhabiting the bottom of the Ninth Circle and it corrupted every single person involved with it right down to their pores.

It's feeling more and more like a distinction without a difference the more we hear what went on during filming.

Speaking as someone with a foot in both camps (though more in spirit than my actual presence post-Kinja), I can't see the problem here with them reacting as you'd expect with this one. Especially given how long it's been know how sordid it was, this really is like ripping a Band-Aid off the whole thing.

Well, I just went and read Maria Schneider's Wikipedia entry.

Just when you think Hollywood couldn't get anymore horrible, we get reminded that it was always horrible. Maria Schneider was also cast in Caligula but luckily dodged a bullet because she quit after one day, I believe. She had some terrible experiences in the movie business and I've known for a while from interviews

I made the mistake of loading the German version of the trailer the first time, so basically all the trailer told me the first time is that I don't speak and understand German anywhere near as well as I used to.

He is.