
"I want to be president."

The whole movie is (Robocop 1987) a happy accident (it - as was the book manuscript for Carrie, by King's wife, actually) was retrieved by his wife from the bin when Verhoeven first thought it was terrible and she convinced him to do it.

Eric Stoltz has to be playing the luckiest policeman in history in that movie.

Predator 2 is genius ("Who's next?") Smartly went for a whole new setting (urban jungle) and built on the rules and weaponry of the first movie. Compare that to Predators, which is literally one of the most redundant films to ever exist as it brought nothing new to the table at all (except possibly things that no-one

I'm going to guess without even looking Dolph Lundgren in a tuxedo singing A Little Less Conversation on stage while … well I don't want to spoil it but I believe ice is involved?

Even more amazing given that Kurtwood Smith and Ronny Cox were both playing against type in Robocop (not usually villains). Cox, of course would be back as the equally exceptional Vilos ("back in time for cornflakes") Cohaagen in this film (you could also have imagined Michael Ironside as Clarence from his performance

If you didn't have a socialist government that built a national broadband system from our tax dollars (instead of giving it all away to rich people) such that even my home in a small country town has a fibreoptic cable to my house with capacity over 100 MB/s if I want it … well, I can only do so much.

To quote the original in a different context "WHERE IS CLARENCE BODDICKER?"

We shouldn't waste the chance to talk about Philip K Dick either. On top of his well known books (find Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? if you can, it's radically different from the movie and also an excellent read - the parts on Mercerism are my favourite), I think some of his best actually aren't anywhere near

Fun bit of trivia (maybe):

It was nice to see two women have a knock down drag out fight that wasn't stereotypical slapping and hair pulling and instead a bonecracking audibly painful looking fight. I remember wincing through a lot of that. I don't think I saw anything like it again until Two Days in the Valley with Teri Hatcher and Charlize

Best part of the Robocop remake by far for me.

No, of course we don't need to argue. The first one was much better, obviously.

"Baby, you've got a stew going."

Hey! I liked it! So you're not alone there (Lucifer on TV has proven as if anymore was needed after Helix that something can be stupid and enjoyable at the same time.)

Has a film series ever been more accomplished politically? Two governors and the sequel gave us a minister for tourism in Panama.

Not really, needs heavy editing for pacing, a problem the first film didn't have. Also, the Terminator radiated real menace in the first film (definitely his best performance), as history went on to prove, the quality of Arnold's performance as a Terminator was in inverse to how many lines and how much speaking he did.

I think Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the most remarkable, if not the most remarkable actor in existence. He clearly has limitations (and limits to overcoming them which were … quite substantial), so instead, he warped the entire industry around him such that they had to change to cater to his very specific skill

I got to see this at my local cinema last year in a series of films from that era (Alien 1979 - this in 1990 being the date range).

Prometheus would like to have a word.