
That's really saying something given you live in Italy.

Maybe 'Adaptation' was the way to do things. Take a real-life story as a starting point and just go crazy* with it. Apparently the real-life person Meryl Streep was playing was a bit perplexed by the story (she didn't have an affair with the subject of her book, for starters, nor try to murder anyone, let alone

Apparently, the 'villain' of the movie really wasn't and in fact was a big supporter of trying to help Rudy, so much so that he was willing to be made out to be the villain if it would help the movie.

If you want to click on one link and then another link and each individual point click by click after that as they break down each potentially contestable element of the film, knock yourself out.

… and the episode before that (the Season 2 opener) was a damn fine episode too.

Oh wait, I've got one. Dallas Buyers Club.

Also, maybe this explains a lot. From Marisa Tomei's Wiki page "Tomei has also dated Robert Downey Jr."

Marisa Tomei's 51 years old. That's not unusual for an aunt of a teenager, surely?

Queen Margot?

That was my first (and still most likely guess) in a previous episode's comment section.

I saw a National Geographic documentary on the story behind Midnight Express complete with interviews and dramatic re-enactments. The real story was incredible. Why didn't they make that one instead?

Or "Argo"?

Ella = Elaine Belloc … ?

Chekhov's name drop says we will.

Well, the trailer for the next episode provides enough to give an answer as far as I was concerned but it might also reveal something shocking you don't want to know (but will find out soon enough anyway.)

She can still be startled by other people's behaviour. Loved that spit-take she did while she was drinking water when Chloe said Lucifer had been in charge of Hell during her testimony (I was wondering 'why is she randomly drinking water? … Oh, right. Good one /not s.)

If there's someone who'd know about time flowing in directions other than the ones we're used to, it'd be you. How's the weather around the Time Tombs these days (relatively speaking)?

There is one episode which really gave me the shits which was where McCoy basically says he'll out a teenage girl for being a lesbian if she doesn't confess to manslaughter. Realistic, especially for the time? Quite possible? Still shitty? Definitely.

"I don't think they ever went the route of prosecuting people for crimes they knew they didn't commit."

No new episodes until January 16th?