
Maze knows full well that Dan's actions are leading him to Hell (unless he makes up for it one day in a big way) but she still let him do what he did anyway. I don't know what to make of that at the moment.

The one thing that I definitely did not buy was that that soldier could get an unrestricted access internet feed to a right wing radio host. Connections would have been locked down tight.

I haven't heard anything (nor have I been looking), so I honestly have no idea one way or another.

Well, given these as just two examples … you never can tell.

I wonder how they're going to deal with the contentious idea of God appearing on this show? My guess is they're going to call him 'dad' a lot and avoid the G word as much as possible. That does lead to the question as to who could possibly play him, though. I wonder if taking a page out of the book of the TV show The

I think what's great about this show is that so many characters on it have no restraint and no filter. Most obvious is Charlotte, who not only says whatever she likes, can't even see why it's necessary not to (was going to blow Chloe up/of course I was pumping you for information/I searched your phone etc) but this

Since Doctor Strange was recently a thing, I think it's worth revisiting Tilda Swinton's turn as Gabriel in Constantine. She was so, so good in that, it's a shame we won't get to see her do more of the character.

This is getting so ridiculous and oh, so so stupid. Innuendo so cheap and blatant by Maze at Dan that even high school mean girls might think was a bit over the top.

Anyone else think of Torchwood and Children of Earth from how they communicated with aliens from the other side of a semi-transparent partition that the aliens slapped their appendages against? (at least in the beginning, anyway).

I knew I didn't pull that idea completely out of nowhere! Excellent break from Lurk Mode there! (*wink* *wink*)

There were presidents before and after Lincoln if you know what I mean, Will.

I believe Sage Stallone was a big fan of, among others, the work of Lucio Fulci and might even have had a hand it his film (and others of that genre) getting remastered DVD re-releases (and with a lot of extra bonuses, too).

If anything can be salvaged from this news, I'd like to suggest checking out Jim Mickle's films, starting with Stake Land. They've even apparently made a sequel that no-one new about until it was finished.

I remember the lunacy over the claim that Forrest Gump hadn't made any money (and in fact was in the red) so they could stiff the author out of any net proceeds.

Serious question, after the terrible accident that befell Anton Yelchin, now wasn't the advice to still have your wheels at an angle pointing towards the curb? So would it be point down the hill but have your wheels not pointing straight down the hill, so if your car starts rolling, it'll just run into the curb as

Great anecdotes and an amazing number of mentions of incredibly well known Hollywood actors from that era. Great job as always, Will.

On the subject of people playing other people's dads, I always hoped to see Bruce Campbell playing Nicholas Brendon's dad on Buffy or at least a crazy uncle who one day turned up to tell him "…vampires are real."

"but mostly you'll end up with people who won't vote at all (just sign and leave)"

A combination of both. What you do with your ballot is your business. You don't have to mark your ballot with anything. Just turn up, get your name marked off and put it in the box.

I'm not knocking Texas, I know it's quite a varied state like the supposed liberal bastion of Austin which is very promising (like the first season of Faking It - bar than last minute or two of the season finale) and conservative areas, many of which are not so good to downright terrible (like Season 2 and 3 of Faking