
I'm not worried. I heard that Kissinger had told people in Strategic Air Command and the like that if Nixon (in his drunk and/or bombed out on anti-psychotics phase) ever ordered a nuclear strike to just ignore him.

I know. I was talking more recent Republicans, probably post World War 2. Still bastards but at least had enough sense when it came to self-preservation if nothing else and hence people got some benefit from them, even if it was incidental.

Eh, what the fuck do I care? I've got my universal single payer health care (or close enough, anyway), a university education that was paid off inside 5 years as opposed my next lifetime (and a medical degree at that) I'm lucky and even though we do have conservatives trying to unwind all that, we have a lot of

Can we just forget about whatever niceties we have left and state outright that whatever faults the Democratic Party has (and they have many), the dominant faction of the Republican Party (which controls their current direction and just about everyone falls into line with in the end) has a fundamental ethos that just

I take no satisfaction in the fact that a lot of people who voted for this outcome are going to get absolutely reamed economically because of this.

Maybe it's because people remember what 2000 was like and this time, the candidate was even worse (who would have thought)?

… and look who ended up in charge of all of those places: A crazy person (though terrifyingly enough, one of the relatively better outcomes compared to the others), a religious theocracy, a communist state, complete chaos - Iran led to Iraq led to Kuwait led to the War on Terror quite likely, I actually need to look

Time and time and time again, the US meddles in the politics of other countries to the point of repeatedly helping to overthrow foreign governments and the end result is ultimately someone takes power who is much worse than the person they overthrew - and that situation persists for decades - and can still be ongoing

I wonder if dawned on anyone in the US government at the time (or like ever) that not stopping this (and in fact actively helping) maybe this opened the door to Castro ever having the chance to take over in the first place (see also Iran … and a lot of other places).

"1876 saw an election even more crazed and contentious than 2016"

I think we were lucky to get the Serenity movie (I heard it's at least in part a condensed version of what would have been Season 2).

On the upside, Philip K Dick did start writing a sequel where the alternate universe discovered our one (or at least one much more like ours) and how to travel to it. On the downside, he abandoned it after two chapters.

The scene where Jefferson drops in on Castro on Married With Children was quite funny, at least I think so.

My most favourite scene in the entire Firefly show plus movie had the lead in where Jewel Staite's character was so excited to buy a fancy dress and go to the ball … where she spent most of her time explaining to a group of presumably upper class gentlemen whose rapt attention she had about how she did her mechanic's

What a glorious supernova it went out in, though.

Characters from Buffy grew so much more on Angel than the ones who stayed on Buffy from start to finish. Wesley's the obvious example but then there's also Cordelia.

Speak for yourself.

Just thought of another type of show. Early days yet, I know since it's really just started but Lucifer already seems like the kind of show that I don't think I'll rewatch episodes after I've seen them the first time but I'm already repeat viewing clips (sometimes mutiple times) from most of the past episodes as

I couldn't believe when the Cylon defectors were putting their pictures on the memorial wall for people killed by the initial sneak attack on the Colonies. Which they were part of and helped start in the first place. What in the fucking fuck? Who the fuck was writing this thing?

That was one of the things that annoyed me immensely with the show, that it was painfully obvious long before the end that he was going to get away with it all. Which was absurd giving all the shit he'd done (I think I finally mentally checked out when someone was assassinating his lawyer and then each successive