
Oh, I didn't theatre hop in that sense. They used to be three different cinema buildings (Village, Greater Union, and Hoyts - now it's all merged into one) and I ran out of one to the street, into the next one and so on and bought a ticket in each one. Just made the start of the first two of the three films mentioned

Gore would have been so much better than Bush that it hurts (and it did - a lot of people). Why people couldn't see that was and is still mystifying to me.

"Gore likely more than Bush"

I don't know, I still get a laugh from the Lost in Translation episode with the Israelis, the Giggle Loop and the Lesbian Spank Inferno (then there was "The Man With Two Legs", the mere thought of the title still makes me smile - 'I have a wooden leg'), so I still find Coupling still holding up just thinking about it.

They filmed something much closer to the original ending. The problem was that audiences hated it (I felt it didn't really capture the book ending which I liked). Hence the reshot version we now have.

The character from the book wasn't stupid, just deeply cynical. He might have been playing someone much closer to himself (though I hope for his sake it as someone much dumber). I heard he was selected from the actual students in the school that the movie was filmed at.

Best day at the movies ever. We used to have three cinemas on George Street in Sydney in a row. Got to Election with a minute to spare at the end one, jumped to Go at the next (middle cinema) one with a minute to spare and then jumped to the one next to that (more time this time - it was the closest one to the train

We could never argue just based on our shared love of Doctor Who (OMG Tom Ellis is in Doctor Who, yes it makes sense his character and Martha Jones get engaged given what she remembers they went through, no it makes no sense what happens in the most self-indulgent regeneration pre-scene - did anyone else even have a

I don't get Scorpion's success at all. It's soooooo terrible and since NCIS is still on the air (in several versions) …

I actually watched some of Hostages when I was in Sri Lanka because of the reviews here.

The Outer Limits revival was pretty good for the best part. It even managed to do some very good sequels that you weren't expecting for its episodes that often surpassed the earlier one.

The final episode of Community actually made me a little mad because it was so perfect a final ending that it would actually be a travesty if they made anymore. I know that sounds nonsensical but I think you all get what I mean … ?

Never seen ER. I just can't watch medical shows (except for Scrubs) as I just can't watch shows where people get my yearly salary or more (often much more) for just one episode.

I'm going to second that. I can still rewatch Buffy and Angel to this day.

This is going to be a recurrent theme for me in this comments section but the medical stuff was so ridiculous in this show (and so many others) that I couldn't take it even remotely seriously.

Oh fuck, I hope not.

I stopped watching Lost 3 episodes after Season 3 started (and I usually love this sort of thing) because I just couldn't take Jack seriously (above and beyond the on screen reasons that repeatedly came up that is). I'd been working in a spinal unit around the same time and our interactions with the spinal patients …

The Sopranos was an interesting one, as in I've only ever seen one episode (the one with Schrodinger's Russian) which I thought was excellent but I've never felt the need to ever see another one.

Boston Legal was one that I enjoyed while I watching it but interest faded out while I watching it and I never finished it. The numerous cast changes didn't help either, I think the last episode I watched might have been just after Saffron Burrows left the cast, possibly an episode she wasn't in but made mention of

Were you reading my mind? I posted something that wasn't entirely dissimilar less than 5 minutes ago about BSG.