
Once again, I say rhetorically that your avatar isn't a stock photo, is it?

I guess it must have really traumatised me as I had flashbacks of a sort when Tom Ellis started singing "All along the Watchtower" while his piano double played it in Lucifer as Tricia Helfer first appeared on the show.

Tammy's speech is one of my favourite things from any movie ever, the version of the story in my head is a fusion of the book and the movie (the book ending* I vastly prefer, the filmed version of it didn't work, so I understand why they used the one they had but it's so soaked in bile I just can't watch it again).

Lobbyists may well have a lot to do with it.

This may come back to haunt him depending on how good it is. On the other hand, things like the Aliens score was written in a fraction of that time and turned out really well, so …


You'd think that but …

Presented without comment (I couldn't possibly be trying to say anything with this now, could I?):

Here's the thing. There's where you think you'll be in the apocalypse and then there's where you'll end up when the time comes.

It could be two people.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln

I've occasionally seen it written that she was offered the role of Storm and turned it down. Any confirmation or denial of that which is credible out there?

"Some motherfucker's always trying to ice skate uphill" says what now?

Oh, fuck this bullshit.


I still have Peter Haining's book Doctor Who - Twenty Years a Celebration and at that time, I believe 134 episodes were missing. I still enjoy adding the found episodes to the archive list in the back, I would never believed they got it down to 97 (so far). I was especially delighted about The Web of Fear.

I strongly suspect they didn't even manage that. Part of the reason we have so much of the early years of Doctor Who surviving in spite of this policy is the fact that they applied this policy so badly (they overlooked one whole archive, that's why we have so much of William Hartnell's work, episodes were walled up

On the one hand, I've heard the reasoning behind why Doctor Who episodes were junked and the tapes that held the transmission copies were recorded over (they were scarce, expensive and they believed there was limited interest in repeat viewings plus loss of income for actors if too much broadcast time just used

Here's hoping Evil of the Daleks is on the to-do list.