
The novelisation of Power of the Daleks is certainly interesting as it fleshes out the characterisation and the story beyond what would have been possible in the televised format, including expanded and additional scenes. The novelisation of The Daleks' Masterplan is another very good one.


"You can't believe everything you read on the internet" - Abe Lincoln, 1868

It doesn't matter if he does or not. We've all seen Videodrome. No way anyone not under the influence of something signed up to that after reading the script.

I went on a tour of the Guinness factory in Dublin once. The food they served was remarkably good … (I've often been accused of missing the point of things I get involved with …)

It wasn't the pain so much as the smell of burning flesh that was the worst part if the truth be told …

I've used coke once. It was being as anaesthetic for cauterisation of the blood vessels in my nose that were causing recurrent nose bleeds back when I was in 9th grade with what amounted to being a giant soldering iron being stuck up my nostrils.

James Woods being blown (up).

This article is dope.

That is a fun fact!

"Do not pass Go, do not collect $200."

Going on at least sixteen years and counting (check the date and note it was before he took office.)

Should I feel bad about laughing at this?

Potentially interesting fact, it was one of the few (if not the only) TV show to have the official backing of the US Air Force. It even had at least one, maybe two serving generals appear on it playing themselves.

I originally had that in brackets after my comment as a distinct possibility but it killed the joke so I ended up leaving it out …

I have great news for you. Stargate Universe did have a second season. So about that cliffhanger …

Four, if you count Stargate Infinity.

7466 as of the 1st of May, 2016. Not including specials.

I don't find that inconsistent. In running for president, he gained more experience, such that by the time the offer of cabinet positions came around, he'd since learned he had insufficient experience - and not just for president either.

… and the funny part is, it's still 'only' the world's second longest still running animated TV show … by more than 20 years.