
The scene where the two protagonists have their guns drawn on each other but are yet able to maintain a comical yet respectful dialogue while the oblivious blind victim is trying to serve them both tea is a perverse bit of genius.

The most qualified person to run in a generation was more likely to be Al Gore for starters.

Similar books.

"Though its satire was mostly lost on moviegoers when it was first released …"


At the end of the day, I was just making a joke and a pithy (but more serious) observation. I didn't dig too deeply into it. It's not completely beyond the realms of possibility, though, no.

His life has just been proving this over and over again, hasn't it?

When you're fighting the henchmen, it's so easy to miss the big picture. Added twist, the guy who looked like one of the first round henchmen was the Final Boss all along!

It might have factored into it or not, it's one of those things that you can never really know for sure and hence should put it in the basket of imponderables.

a) People have considered that point already and it's debatable.


No, he doesn't (he could be enjoying a well earned retirement right now). Which makes his continuing efforts on our behalf all the more impressive.

"The GOP was transparently gentle on Sanders during the primaries"

The Democratic Party really should have won 2000. Losing that was inexcusable. Sure there's the arguments about the vote count but there was no excuse in it being anywhere near that close in the first place.

Footage from the storming of the White House lawn.

Well, to be fair to the public, move the voting from a working day Tuesday to at least a day off for as many people as possible (perhaps a Saturday or Sunday or make it a public holiday) and you might get more voters turning out.

I think at the very least, keeping the fires burning on his ideas and beliefs (so they don't fade from view) from now might be worthwhile and then get someone who can carry forward his main principles (core concepts if you like) into the 2020 primaries might be worth a look.

Even I know that these things get cut up into tiny soundbites minus the context that comes next. Maybe you can't anticipate every possible misuse of your words but that one should have been neon sign obvious from the moment it was thought of, never mind scripted, and hence it should have been binned forthwith.

I don't know how accurate this is either way but somewhere else in the comments section, someone said he said that since he was elected as an Independent senator for Vermont, he'll finish out his term as an independent and then be a Democratic Party member when he runs for re-election to the Senate if he chooses to

Maybe he would have won and maybe he wouldn't. I think that's really as far as we can take this. He had some net advantages and net disadvantages. Given the narrowness in several states, he might have pulled it off - or not.