
Keep in mind a) this was filmed before the election b) almost no-one really expected him to win (and I strongly suspect this includes the candidate) c) this is a Fox show of all things - see b) and d) if we listed all the disrespect from that specific person towards …. well so many groups it would take such a long

They've mentioned Death is female back in episode five of this season when Uriel first referred to her as "she" and produced the blade in the first place. In retrospect, Uriel didn't actually have to mention he had it to Lucifer, especially as by doing so, it ended up ending badly for him.

I figured Linda would be able to get back to doing her job after the initial surprise because earlier on, she'd been able to develop enough resistance to his magnetic pull to put her foot down and stop having sex with him and focus solely on doing her job, which was treat him like any other patient (presumably - if

I wonder if Chloe is going to be this fictional universe's equivalent of Elaine Belloc in the end?

… and a Fox TV production at that.

So basically Paul Rudd now is what you're saying.

A 'scientific' way around the supernatural angle (a stretch to be sure due to the extent but not unheard of in less drastic fashion) is that the virus or whatever it was spread over some extended period time (probably years) but at that time was silent.

Good news everyone!

It's still Red, White, and Blue, so what's the big deal?

I don't know, I thought Eric Bogosian totally stole that movie. He was very entertaining with his off-the-wall performance, that's for sure.

You've obviously not seen Under Siege 2.

I wonder if Lucifer wondered if he'd slipped back into Hell without realising it when he came across Dan doing improv?

At worst, it'd only be half as bad as seeing Lucifer.

She's already learned to maim, not murder outright people (I point to all those gangbangers she flattened that one time) so I think she'll be fine in that department.

It's worth noting that if Dr Martin can get over her initial … sheer terror, she now has a clientele that therapists' dreams are made of. Definitely a book or two's worth at the very least.

I trust her to learn. She's already learned that money can be exchanged for goods and her very specific services.

I think as real-life history has shown (unfortunately), you can get away with a lot provided you don't leave marks.

To quote Pacific Rim …

Mazikeen's delight at finding out that she could get paid for hunting humans was just adorable. Don't ever change, Maze.

… and after they go drinking and lose enough self control, I can see Mazikeen literally going off her face.