
"I thought it was a sexual metaphor!"/"Well, he's not wrong."

Mazikeen felt more like a Jones than a Smith to me, to be honest.

This is so close to being a great film. Everything about the subversive and stealthy nature of advertising was so on point as was the early sidelining of DuJour when they ceased to be useful by starting to ask questions. It all was a clever meta-level above the source material.

Oh, thank God. So, what's everyone going to with their day off before the 2018 and 2020 campaigns start, then?

You'd better believe it. It's a masterpiece.

He had a very nice house. He was even listed in the phone book. As coincidence would have it, he was next door to the Iraqi Embassy.

That's one part of it, for sure. Also, it's one thing to have the information, it's another to have the skill as an interviewer to use it and Will Harris has that in spades. I'm sure interviewing is one of those skills people have to work at but is mistakenly believed by a lot of people that it's just you going and

I wouldn't read too much into it. I wrote that at like 3 or 4 in the morning my time and I think and it's just the first thing I thought of at the time. The scoring at the time also still sticks in my head, so that's probably the one I really remember over them all. The "other things" was me remembering there's a lot

Can we at least agree that the version of Hazy Shade of Winter by The Bangles was very good?


" The Handmaiden (inching close to a million in its third weekend, which is a great haul for a subtitled erotic thriller)"

You might want to stay away from his Twitter, then.

Thanks for the mention, I'll put that on my to-do list.

I disagree about The Mist. That just seems to be pulling even more ridiculous contortions to stick it to the main character, regardless of how implausible it is given its own rules - and that in the end it's a localised thing that passes.

Neon Genesis Evangelion.

If you want to be super-pedantic (well, you do with a name like that, don't you?) with this episode only, at the end of the show, John Oliver actually exhorts the audience to share the video with as many people as you can (and for those people to share with as many as they know and so on) to counter pyramid schemes

He did a bloody fantastic Barack Obama.

His getting to compare experiences of "something on the wing" with William Shatner in 3rd Rock from the Sun was great.

I have a signed copy of the book (and the whole 2001 series). Helps when the author lived within walking distance of our house and your dad's cousin's husband is his PA too (not the cousin I referenced in another article's comment section who rented me a bootleg copy of Highlander 2* on video).

I have some terrible news to break to you about Lawrence of Arabia …