
The number of interviews in such a short time and the quality of interviews (and interview subjects) has been outstanding as of late, Will.

Species, now that was a weird film. That is the first movie I've seen where they filmed the post movie wrap party and decided to add it on the end of the actual movie before releasing it in cinemas.

That wasn't even the weirdest part of the story. Basically, in the early days of video stores in Sri Lanka, there were people exploiting a loophole in copyright law (as in, the government just wasn't enforcing it at all).

I was actually lucky enough (and I realise this is a relative term) to see an original edit which had all the relevant footage and in the in the correct order.

You've obviously never seen Highlander 2 then?

Er … what?

I totally agree with you. I was playing super extreme version and I still found him falling short. Odds are, it's not going to be at best for Team Red that maybe they'll get extreme version which if super extreme version didn't quite make it, a mere extreme version isn't going to make it.

Honest to God, we had a Z Beeblebrox and a Slartibartfast (spelled Slartybartfasti) in the Sydney phone book in 1996.

Well, as you can see from the map I did, using the Real Clear Politics Map and filling in all the grey tossups that had any chance of breaking for Team Red. Basically, it's the "absolute minimum number of questions I got right on a test" version of a map. I still (just) pass = Team Red still just loses.

Oh, he's one of those*.

My one had him 4 short of 270. Closer than I'd like especially since I have $400 riding on the result.

It's actually Stormfront, not Storefront but please don't change it as that's just gold right there.

To be (slightly) fair, that is still a (small) step up from a lot of Sri Lankan politics. I'm distantly related to a lot of Sri Lankan politicians but as my father would say, we're not distant enough.

Samantha Bee was right. The Democratic Party really did fuck up in 2010, which really was when the most important elections of recent memory took place, not 2008 or 2012.

I read somewhere about Kiyoshi Kurosawa's films that someone said along the lines of "You want to like his films and get angry at yourself because you don't."

"Beyoncé's CMA Awards Performance Isn't on the CMA Website Because That's How She Wants It"

Looks like it might actually be closer to:

"It’s time to throw Rob Liefeld … on the … pile"

It wasn't hindsight. Remember, most of the world didn't buy it even after Powell's speech about "aluminium tubes".

You know I just wanted to make a Mad Max: Fury Road joke, right?