
Oh yes, I remember him. Not actually called Joe and not actually a plumber. That pretty much explains everything that's been going on in US politics for some time now.

In that film, is he a doof … warrior?

I'm not against change but I just found the execution at several points very bad. From the addition of Sam Witwer's character as Exposition Man when the short story trusted us to work it out to additional show what the story was content to imply at the end and the extremely poor execution of the set up to the end

I wouldn't have ever said that he isn't, it was more of a Matt Damon as Jason Bourne thing, I hadn't thought of him playing homicidal before.

He captured the character remarkably well, I thought. Wouldn't have picked him for the role beforehand but I couldn't imagine anyone else in the role now. You can't be much more successful than that in a role if you can achieve that, I'd say.

I was disappointed (but not surprised) that the whole pursuit segment of the book starting with the camp massacre was all but missing from the movie. That was the easily the best part of the book.

Dreamcatcher is a much much much better book than the movie.

The contortions to try and achieve that were more horrific than anything in the story.

As this ridiculous election season has shown, the correct opinion can also be not the popular one.

Rob Bottin, now there's another tragedy right there. His last film being an Elizabeth Hurley/Matthew Perry vehicle from 14 years ago.

The most accurate one is probably The Langoliers.

OK, slightly less unpopular an opinion than I thought.

This may not be a popular opinion but the film adaptation of The Mist was not good.

We haven't had anyone comparable to Malcolm in the villain stakes in Season 2, yet. I loved it how someone who started off as a minor plot point (and in a coma at that) to ultimately being the main villain.

I didn't think you were at all. New technology has its place for sure (things like fertilisers and the like were one of the reasons why Paul Ehrlich's "The Population Bomb" never came to pass the way he thought it would) and I should have made that clearer.

He can sleep when he's dead. Which chances are, will be very soon if he keeps this up.

As coincidence would have it, my gmail account with a similar number to the one I sent you mail from started getting email from an Indian bank called Kotak for quite some time almost straight after I created the account.

Look, that's fair. I just thought it was a point worth making because so often in real life (and it spills over into fiction), people do bring up things about wonderful new super technologies that could do things like feed the world when the fact is, we have the means, resources and on top that the output to do a much

I'm an Australian who grew up with the original Doctor Who, so yes that was quite a deliberate reference.

That seems fair. I'll allow it.