
Hey, since you're around on our plane at the moment, what did you think of my no dots gmail demonstration? That's a little known fact out there about how you can leave them out of gmail email addresses.

Having met actual people who came to Australia via boat after the fall of South Vietnam who did in fact become doctors, I can attest to that not being hyperbolic.

Journey to the West this is not.

I disagree. The thing about electing a president that people either forget or never knew in the first place is that you don't just get a new president, it's the people you get coming with them. 2000 brought us a literal murderer's row of people who really should have been in jail before 2000, never mind after.

How about "no, no it is not a valid defence"?

"You can't believe everything you read on the internet" - Abe Lincoln, 1868

I remember it as being Amy Ackers (plural). Good choices all of them. Just missing an Illyria (or an Illyria as Fred, which is basically a lot of what Root was, right?)

Hardly, it seems quite rational that Mace is like any realistic bureaucrat in a spy agency who has to make compromises which border on the morally suspect. Making him turn out to be actually evil or a villain would be so cliche and uninspired at this point. It also makes more sense to be like how you described as from

Another fun thing to note, Fitz says "That's ridiculous." to the idea that Robbie made a deal with the devil even though last season, they fought the actual Devil, or at least the most rational scientific explanation for the Devil mythology in the form of Hive.

It's been almost 10 years now but I still remember that man. He's a lesson to us all but not in the way you might think.

As I'll explain in a reply elsewhere in this thread, he actually said I could keep it. I did in fact bag it and dump it in a Hazmat waste disposal container but the thought was nice.

While you're at it Mel, how about apologising for this nonsense?

In all seriousness, I was thinking this was how we could see Grant Ward on the show again - a small detour to Hell at some point.

I once had to remove a sex toy from someone's rectum with a set of sponge forceps.

The Neverending Story?

I was scheduled to do night shift in an emergency department this week so that actually works out.

For evil to succeed, it just takes good men to do nothing.

Getting in early, I see.

In other words, evil.

After the US government overthrew the democratically elected government of Guatemala for a US fruit company, the democratically elected government of Iran on behalf of a UK oil company and undoubtedly there's a list a literal mile long or more of other companies from both the US and many other nations and their