
That's right up there with the "but everyone else was doing it" defence.

You could have stopped with "Who would have thought?"

"The problem with internet quotes is that you cant always depend on their accuracy" -Abraham Lincoln, 1864.

My parents and brother were seated at the next table to him at a restaurant for my brother's birthday. They weren't that impressed with his table manners. I missed it all because I'd asked to be excused on account of not feeling well.

Go to bed Sadiki, you're drunk*.

I think when things like that happen, it's more likely to be deliberate than anything else, take Hive needing to absorb five humans to recharge versus Angel's Season 1 finale where five vampires were needed to recharge … whoever was in that box.

Did he ever?

Says the man who gained several inches in height and numerous pounds of muscle instantly after some kind of super-soldier "serum" in some kind of "machine".

In a world which seems to be made out as being obsessed with the Kardashians (people literally famous for being famous as opposed to any obvious discernible talent of any kind), I think the reason is even more simple (and hence pathetic), being nothing more complex than a complete loss of any sense of priorities about

"Anyone who noticed his worrisome look at the Darkhold last week probably saw this coming"

I think they very quickly gained that knowledge after they shot Ghost Rider and absolutely nothing happened. To their credit, it's nice to see someone learn quickly from what they see and apply that knowledge instead of continuing with a clearly futile course of action.

Is the crime sufficient to punish him by making him read TV Tropes to read about fridging? It's just that if we sentence him to reading that, there's no telling when he'll come back out again.

It's a shotgun … which is also an axe.

In my defence, I was probably too unobservant and stupid to notice.

I could live with the end of the show being spun off into Queen May, Ruler of Earth.

Sometimes she's above, sometimes she's below.

So what happens to the previous Ghost Rider after the handover (Bubba Ho-tep style)?

I like how after Mace says "I got this.", the other SHIELD commandos just completely stop intervening entirely. Even when he doesn't seem to be "getting this" anymore and is repeatedly getting his face punched in. They know the boss, I suppose it was still always possible he could have turned it around at some point,

I find it funny that while the Avengers were coming to physical blows about what was, in effect an administrative issue, at the same time, the Agents of SHIELD were battling an existential threat to the very Earth itself in the form of Hive.

Now that is an excellent idea.