
Well, the Inhumans movie fell victim to the ousting of Ike Perlmutter, I believe. Even before that, though it wasn't encouraging that the planned screenwriters for it had no idea what had been going on in the show.

"As some of you have noted, this season effectively introduced magic to the MCU; time to see if that magical street goes both ways."

We had one of those.

I was expecting an "It's a trap!" joke in there somewhere.

"like … ?"

Let me rephrase slightly. If the people at the end of the distribution chain (or whether in fact it's the people who run the distribution who think we want this) could be convinced to take produce that looks less 'perfect' but organically is fine (which is what the article I linked to is saying)

Well, that's the question, isn't it? I got the impression that something was pulling at him and he was trying to resist it at first. Maybe what tipped him over was that at least part of him as well wanted to do what the Ghost Rider did to that prisoner as opposed to his personal thoughts on Mace (presumably none) but

I've been thinking that for a while. Thematically, it'd be perfect with Hayley Atwell taking time out from playing the Doctor to also play a Peggy Carter catapulted into the present day of the Marvel Cinematic and TV Universe.

That depends on how much control Robbie has over the Ghost Rider. After all, the logical thing in the prison was to just keep walking and stay with your uncle, however whatever he was feeling from within about that prisoner overrode the most commonsense thing to do - and that led to where we are now.

As someone who knew absolutely nothing about Eli whatsoever, I didn't see that coming at all so I agree, it was not predictable in the sense that I, at least, did not predict it.

That wasn't really the point I was making here. It's that we could produce food for existing demand more efficiently and have less waste for starters. Lots of benefits from that including for the environment just being one of many.

Well, it was possibly good news for Mace that Ghost Rider didn't burn him. Maybe that means that whatever he's up to, it hasn't entered the realm of the irredeemable just yet.

Sorry to be a downer with a reality bomb but I think it's worth knowing in reference to the line about using the Darkhold and the science derived from it to at least reduce starvation in the episode, we could already do that now if we cut out behaviour like this.

Look, I agree but the playing field is such that different rules are being applied to each side and the Clinton camp shouldn't have known this walking onto the field.

Negative marks for Emilia Clarke as being a distant third out three for actresses who've played Sarah Connor and worked with George R. R. Martin's work.

I know. The 12 Monkeys TV Series is so much better than anything any of the people listed above have done with the possible exception of the 12 Monkeys movie to the point where I almost felt dirty including it in the same paragraph as the rest.

I refuse to believe you walked all the way to India.

Trust me, I'm also a doctor, it's my favourite Shakespeare production I've ever seen and it's the fucking tits (and done by my local university to boot).

Not necessarily true, the story about how they came to lose their asshole could have some entertainment value, for starters, even if the punchline is usually "cancer".

I don't remember him saying "sometimes".