
PS: What a fucking surprise (that was extreme sarcasm for any of you out there not familiar with Australian English and how it is used).

Did anyone seriously ever believe he wasn't a rank opportunist, though? For what it is worth, though I am really enjoying the schadenfreude immensely watching a political dead man walking as well as his being stalked by the ghost of his predecessor (that he knifed) on his one way march to political oblivion.

Amy Acker > Emilia Clarke

“I wholly disapprove of what you say and will defend to the death your right to say it”

When wasn't it?

Aren't we in Australia so lucky to have a Liberal government? They must be liberal, it's right there in the name!

I'll leave it to Power Girl to explain while the whole email server thing isn't as bad as the other side and what they've done, it isn't exactly something to be waved off either.

After learning that Terry Gilliam supported notorious repeat offender paedophile Roman Polanksi, mocked Amber Heard in her ongoing divorce with Johnny Depp and objected to the 12 Monkeys TV series (which is excellent by the way) without even seeing it (and also, seeming to be unaware of the concept of remixing

… and once upon a time, there was a man who'd been a Congressman for 8 years, then a Senator for 8 years, and finally a Vice-President for 8 years.

Look, I agree but elections are about optics and it's just the way it is that optics and their interpretation aren't applied fairly.

What about stride mothers?

That's kind of not how rules work.

Land of the Giants was a great show. I especially liked the overarching concept that despite the similarities, the Giants and their world was an actual alien civilisation. Furthermore, it wasn't as technological advanced as the, well I guess humans and they had every interest in seizing their technology. Excellent use

It depends, I'm well past that and things are still not in rapid descent just yet (helps I look almost the same as I did going on 20 years ago - see there are benefits from fleeing the sun at every opportunity!)

I'd rather not go to jail if that's OK with you.

Opinions are like assholes, almost everyone has one*.

I said it was giving it a run, not that it was winning just yet.

Oh no, you get me wrong, I agree it's a better season, just that the scripts and acting are worse, that's all.

Like I said, that was an actual fuck.

You could have just stopped with "Fox … that's your problem right there."