
I still enjoy Lucifer a lot. It's really giving Helix a run for its money as television with so much terrible in it and yet I must see every episode as soon as it comes out.

I bet you they also ended up making that sequel on that Earth which ends up with Russell Crowe's character ending up working in the Pentagon on that day (you know the one).

I don't know much about comics but that much I did know too, which is why I'd be totally in favour of it. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some TV rights issue instead that would spoil our fun, though.

Well, the good news is that Lucifer's decoupled almost completely from needing to be good in the conventional sense. The acting and scripting has taken a real dive from Season 1 (which wasn't exactly Shakespeare - not even Titus Andronicus) but that doesn't mean it's not fantastic (whole > sum of parts by far).

Oh, I don't watch the show. That's not a knock, I just don't have time (though those initial Supergirl/Flash crossover scenes were just delightful).

Well, how about that. This episode has the same name as Lucifer's one for this week.

Well, there was also "The Sentinel" with Michael Douglas where just from the names in the cast, I immediately pegged the Secret Service traitor as being X again.

Jai Courtney on the original Terminator (the fact he's playing the exact same character as Michael Biehn until the timeline changes seems to have sailed over his head. Further minus points for not understanding the use of the word 'subtle' - I've seen his performance, unfortunately).

Don't be a prick.

They did something like that with a TV series called The Collector. Each new episode, the devil took on the form of someone else.

Snake Eyes was one of those films that fell apart for me at the casting level as in I immediately thought the villain was X just based on who was in it.

Well, at this rate, plenty of people will be off work on Tuesday (and every other day), so there's that problem solved without even having to do anything*.

Exactly. Also, there's the Japanese original which is vastly superior to it (also called Dark Water or Honogurai mizu no soko kara).

Uriel was effectively playing Death from the Final Destination movies (with the whole chain reaction of events leading to injury and/or death) so add that to the sword and its provenance, it all fits.

They show this movie every year along with The Shining, apparently. Shortly after the last plane leaves and they get snowed in for the winter, too.

As coincidence would have it, this very film was revived for a one off screening in one of the biggest cinemas in Sydney, Australia on this very day.

Seems to be a trend.

John Hurt in Alien and Brian Box in Manhunter were both 39, apparently. I can see it now I know but beforehand, I would have guessed they were much older.

Turns out one of the guys in my building who I recently talked to for the first time (even though he's been there over 2 years and it's a small block of 9 apartments) is on the set designing team for Alien: Covenant.

Two things (neither of which I'm making up):