
I did hear there was at least one actor out there who was able to have printed on their playbill and/or resume "… has never appeared on an episode of any Law and Order show."


Spike getting his soul back was totally worth it for the scene in Season 7 where Anya suddenly gets all excited and says "I can see you." and then a brawl breaks out where she uses him as a punching bag when he tries to shut her up.

Illyria: Fallen Angel Reborn is probably my favourite but I like a lot of the other Illyria ones too. In Fallen Angel, the owners of another completely unrelated property asked if they could use Illyria and Joss said in effect "Sure, why not?" It really works, too. They didn't feel the need to spell out who and what

True but in Xander's case, he was interested in her almost from the start and had to watch a lot of other people in succession after he was shot down, all of whom he was a better person than (much better than quite often). Even after his interest had long since cooled, that still can and does sting for many people

That plus how it reverses itself when Wesley did what he did. Road to Hell and all that. Really drove a massive change both in Wesley and where the story ultimately ended up, so quite the catalyst there.

"I honestly can't see a way how the Initiative could have worked at all. if the government knows about the supernatural then everyone should know about the supernatural."

They wouldn't have been using Nicholas Brendon quite so much in Season 6 and 7 if they'd gone down that road, hence he would have lost just a bit of income is what I meant.

Also, no Illyria, no deal.

Eliza Dushku also did just as outstanding job as Buffy as SMG did as Faith. I'm still not entirely convinced they didn't dub in SMG's voice when she called out Giles's name in that scene where she scared the living daylights out of him. She also had the Buffy-speak down as pat as SMG had Faith clearly sarcastically

I heard a rumour that at one point, that it was going to be Clare Kramer/Nicholas Brendon for Glory. Not that I didn't like the tragedy of Ben trying to fight the seemingly inevitable and hang onto his humanity but how awesome would that have been especially with a multiple season established character? Too bad about

There's no way that any two minute scene could have made up for what we would have had in a whole Season 6 between Wesley and Ilyria (and especially if they'd found a way to split Ilyria and Fred with a resulting love triangle of sorts as was talked about at the time) but what we got "Would you like me to lie to you

The way Amy Acker flipped between Illyria and Fred on a dime in The Girl in Question, that alone justifies that entire episode's existence. Seeing the God King of the Primordium pretending to be small town Texan science girl was just icing on the cake.

Angel did it a lot better. A lot of characters were conflicted, some villains did good things, even at the expense of Wolfram and Hart (loved it how Lindsey screwed over the firm to save the children the firm wanted to kill as he thought that was going to far in Blind Date and for his trouble, he ends up getting a

There is actually some good stuff in the comics (IMO the IDW Illyria ones are superb) but you have to be prepared to trawl a lot. The Angel and Faith series has some very good art and they really do make an effort to make the characters look like their TV counterparts (pity they effectively ended up overwriting the

She does get to Xander eventually in the comics and at this point he rightly asks the question as to did this finally come about because he's dating Dawn?

Angel could (and did) do better, anyway. As did the show versus its parent, too.

You're right! It can be two people!

We really are spoiled for choice here. Both Lizzy Caplan and Mary Elizabeth Winstead are excellent choices.

Supposedly the whole 'panic' from The War of the Worlds was a bit of a myth.