
Have you looked into Project Wonderful or Top Webcomics at all to promote StarHammer?

Not quite true. The fact that the military had the plan to immediately bail out of the ship at the first sign of trouble actually makes them smarter than most of the people in the entire series.

Excellent pick. I forgot about that one. That was an excellent episode and his character just so nonchalantly helping to bring about the end of the world definitely stood out (partly because it was Brad Dourif making it stand out).

Robin Williams and Stephen Fry on Parkinson.

By 1914, Albert Einstein's marriage to his wife of 11 years, Mileva Marić, was fast deteriorating. Realising there was no hope for their relationship on a romantic level, Einstein proposed that they remain together for the sake of their children, but only if she agree to the following list of conditions.

I know time on these can be limited and even just this much can take a long time to cover but if there's ever someone you can get back to do a Part 2, given the huge length and breath of his work, Brad Dourif would have to be a serious candidate for that in the future.

"People of Earth, your attention, please. This is Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz of the Galactic Hyperspace Planning Council. As you will no doubt be aware, the plans for development of the outlying regions of the Galaxy require the building of a hyperspatial express route through your star system. And regrettably, your

There once was a businessman in Australia who said something like "it is better to be rich and unhappy than poor and unhappy."

I do remember someone actually getting one of those by mistake, once.

I actually found much to like about The Island (note, that's not me saying it actually reached "good"). The child-like innocence of the clones followed by their steep and ruthless learning curve was actually quite fascinating and both I both found it well done and that side of things very entertaining.

Find a copy of Leslie Nielsen's autobiography if you can. It's great fun. Also admitted upfront that it's just about all completely untrue. I would expect nothing less and it's all the better for it.

*Checks work schedule*

"It's your chance, do your dance at the Space Jam."

I can never quite make up my mind as to whether Blade or Takeshi Miike's Dead or Alive has the greatest opening to a film ever. No wasting time, everything you need to know in the opening scene about the characters just from the action.

Sylvester McCoy from the original series was Scottish as well.

Also, it turned out that one of the major figures in Time Lord society when we first met them, being male was actually the first time they hadn't been female in a regeneration as revealed by when they ended up regenerating in a future episode and told us as the audience that. On top of that, they regenerated from a

Yes and no … and yes again.

I forgot to add Gillian Anderson!

Coming from yet another doctor, best medical show ever.

And 100% accurate.