
I had bought the book of Fight Club before I saw it but I hadn't read it because I knew they were doing a special revival of it on the big screen in Sydney (they used to do late screenings of cult films).

Well, they didn't actually say "Just this once.", it was more in the ballpark of "Please don't do this again." (but they were nice about it, so it was all good and perfectly reasonable).

If intrinsically, in and of itself it's too long a film and should have been edited down to make a better film, I wouldn't oppose such a thing.

Since I'm here. I second that excellent recommendation of Robert Rankin.

Only a few dozen at last count, I think. "Armageddon: The Musical", the IMO even better sequel and Sic transit gloria mundi and all that.

The actual medicine can often be rubbish. The Xray at the start of the credits is usually back to front. Supposedly they made a statement that it's supposed to represent doctors at the start of their working life getting it wrong, even if it was true, no-one believed them.

As an actual medical doctor, I say to people all the time that it's the most accurate medical show I've ever seen.

I've been collecting South Korean movies since 2003, travelling to South Korea periodically since 2006 and on the AV Club since 2010.

I'm still very annoyed I missed its cinema release in Sydney by less than a week. I didn't make that mistake with Train to Busan.

As per usual, the truth is both more stupid and more/less complex with me. Might as well bring this all full circle. Remember how on another thread I said getting into webcomics helped revive my interest in other media, by among other things, helping to rotate my interests and give the others some breaks?

I once asked to renew some university books over the phone. The usual policy was that wasn't allowed and you had to bring them in in person. However, given I and the books were in Sri Lanka and the library was in Australia … the strangled scream at the other end was quite funny and totally my fault but they very

It's cool, I got you meant the video, not the song itself. That's customer service for you, always doing better for you than they think they do …

But didn't the Cloudbusting video give us "Something Good" by the Utah Saints? Totally worth it - especially when that went on to give us Something Good '08 and the dark secret behind the origins of MC Hammer …

I have a whole crate of DVDs I haven't even opened yet and I still have a couple I want to buy now (I've heard very good things about the Korean films "The Wailing" and "The Beauty Inside" feature based on the short film with Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Topher Grace - well sort of with Topher Grace).

Upvoted for "Wuthering Heights" generally (though could you please clarify about what 'new local' version means, I just know I've heard at least 2 different ones).

For starters, I own more than 100 Korean movies on DVD. That's just the ones in Korean. I haven't even started on the size of my book collection yet.

On a related note, the sequel to Iron Sky should be coming out next year. The Nazis are coming back from the moon again.

I've avoided library fines at my local library which is practically next door (shamefully, I've been living here since 1998 but only joined - in fact only first went through the door - in 2010) by never keeping things late and always returning my books on time but I guess I'm old fashioned that way. Also, being within

You can read the first two issues of the Terminator Salvation comic sequel here legally for free:

I think one advantage that TV had over the movies is that even in its limited lifespan, they still had a lot more time to develop and show the evolution of the terminators over time from their presumably off the rack default settings.