
That's exactly right and I totally agree. If Miles Dyson had been working on what was clearly a new weapon or the direct military application was obvious, that was one thing, this was just a computer chip in a world where computer technology was already ubiquitous and used for such a wide range of things in so many

Well, Skynet was definitely pressed for time in the first movie so just had to grab the first default model off the rack before it could add the mods. Also, as we saw in the film, it could do other voices if it had to, for the best part of the time, it just didn't want to. I guess it knew what it wanted and you've got

For some reason, it was called Escape From Absolom in Australia. Notable for having even less women on screen than John Carpenter's The Thing.

This wasn't meant to a be plug but now I feel irrationally guilty that a second person has upvoted my posts about a webcomic I haven't given a name for. So in case they were at all wondering what it was (or anyone else for that matter …)

I still have all of my original ones. They're great. I accidentally put one through a washing machine and it still worked after I dried it out. I still get replacements for them off ebay (some have since had things like the keyboards and other parts break).

Hey, I'm just Australian by way of Sri Lanka.

No, thank you for reading them. I'm a minor cog in a couple of those machines that make them and there's a big retooling project in the works to try and improve the likelihood of both longterm survival and audience growth of them (the oldest of them is in its 12th year so far).

Off topic but I have to catch you when I catch you, a long time back I asked if you could have a look at a fantasy themed webcomic or two and give your expert opinion on them. How did that go in the end out of interest? (Good/Mediocre/Bad/So terrible you banished their memory from existence/So terrible you're going to

The Korean film industry and their directors have been knocking it out … of … the … park (thought of it first and then realised what I just did) for - like the last 10 years or more. I've seen (and bought) no end of classic films from that time period.

I know, that's why I put the phrase "big up" in there. Obviously I was a combination of too oblique and too inept.

"Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose"

I haven't seen the infamous finale but from what I've heard, it included Roseanne delivering a monologue about how everything you've seen on screen isn't how it happened, it was her reshaping her (TV) family's real history into something she thought was better and made more sense (eg: Darlene was married to Mark and

Axiomatic principle, you don't get rich spending your own money.

They have. It's on (almost) every week* and stars Tom Ellis.

That's a complete fiction made up by the Mozart big up faction Dennis, you know that.

Given how much flack I'm still getting about how I supposedly kept my room there (it's been 10 years!), I'm not going to risk antagonising my aunt any further.

I thought she was very good in the first movie because you can see the change across the entire film. I found her character in part 2 somewhat embarrassing especially when she's yelling at Miles Dyson (having already shot him full of holes) about how men in general don't know what creating is and then something about

Ranking of Sarah Connors who have worked with George R. R. Martin at some point on something.

Not that hot, you're not alone in thinking the TV series did some of the best work out of the whole concept. The Sarah Connor Chronicles was also able to use the greater length of the format to really explore the ethics of AI as seen by the huge amount of time spent showing the building and training of an AI with

It happens to all of us, I believe. We've all seen so much stuff that anything new is a variation on a theme of something we've already seen before. Once the underlying principles themselves start to get even a bit dull, we start to lose interest.