

Well then, he's especially chill now.

I like Samantha Bee's show for the best part but the only videos I've ever downvoted on youtube are some of hers where she's so in the tank for Clinton and so blatantly hostile to all the other candidates on the Democratic side that it really put me off the show at times.

I don't know if it's a good idea if he should ever come back even if by some miracle he did get one. I just can't help but feel something bad would happen to him if he did.

I think the inclusion of Nicolas Cage might have been a mistake. He's one of those larger than life personas that you just can't help but think "That's Nicolas Cage." as opposed to whomever he's supposed to be playing.

Children of Earth really is like another show wandered in and took Torchwood's place for a while there.

The existence of Torchwood was justified by the mere existence of Children of Earth alone as that was brilliant. One of the best things to come out of the return of Doctor Who (other things include bringing back Lis Sladen and having the sense to pair her with Katy Manning among others).

So, you're saying for the answer to this question, we can't ask this scientician?

Yes, he wrote it. I can only speak for myself but I thought he did a pretty good job with it.

I might be an aberration in that I don't drink but even I recognise that the two beers in the First Aid kit are *so* my people … Glad you didnt't hate it!

Don't worry, there's more too it than just zombie speed freaks. If there wasn't, you wouldn't have some great sneaky setpieces.

I thought it was, definitely. It's not absolutely perfect (there's a handful of wobbles including what I thought was a really clumsy metaphor for social class in South Korea as well as some huge spoonfuls of mawkish sentimentality towards the end) but all things considered, it fairly minor. For relative newcomers to

Different shows handle it differently, I guess.

So, what would be the Korean equivalent of a British actor pretending to play an American from the deep south then, do you think?

… and he's gotten it too in his South Korean movies. Find them if you can, several of them are excellent.

I totally had it worked out, too. The cinema movie would have followed Todd Wanio from when things started to the end (as he was there for a lot of key events along the way) and there could be things on a TV he saw mentioning South Africa, then as time goes on China and finally right on the doorstep of the US, things

Upvoted for Science, bitches!

The J. Michael Straczynski movie script actually did capture the book really well with many of the stories and set pieces incorporated and the narrator character threaded through them all. Definitely worth looking for.

Yes, that put me off in the first episode as well, I ended up wandering off after episode 4 of Season 1, I think. I was definitely never planning to watch it regularly and still wouldn't but I think it's fine to periodically watch an episode here or there.