
I hope you can find it and that you enjoy it if you do. It's not just a swarm of high speed track and field zombie athletes in this movie, they have limitations and the surviving humans actually use their brains (ha - only just realised as I was typing it) and exploit those limitations to keep themselves alive - at

Well, that's the thing. Regardless of their actual intentions, the mass murder spree (which we'd never seen anything close to in the TV Series) meant there was going to be none of that nonsense here and things just got real!

I wasn't even thinking about the piracy side of things, just saying make sure your friend protects themselves. Only lend to people they can trust (like you)! Make sure there's insufficient information for them to be traced and kicked out for lending screeners (like you!) and so on …

Can I make a suggestion too? Forget all this, I agree.

I really did think (especially when it had the placeholder title Cobalt) that it was going to be how a disparate group who previously didn't know each other from at least some of the following groups: armed forces, police, medical, government, science ended up being thrown together in a random group of survivors.

Whatever their actual reasons, killing off most of the cast (and almost all of the Gen-1's) in the Transformers Movie (there's only one), made for an excellent movie, though. Stakes just cost raised like one million percent from the TV show after the opening part of the film, just for starters …

Part of good marketing is making us want things we didn't previously know we wanted.

Somebody Else's Problem field, or SEP, is a cheap, easy, and staggeringly useful way of safely protecting something from unwanted eyes. It can run almost indefinitely on a torch (flashlight)/9 volt battery, and is able to do so because it utilises a person's natural tendency to ignore things they don't easily accept,

They always could just bring back Channing Tatum again. After all, they did go back and film extra scenes for part 2 with him because he'd become so much more popular. History has shown that his character arc so far won't prove to be that much of an impediment to bringing him back for part 3 if they wanted to.

As coincidence would have it, I just happen to have this article bookmarked.

That was my roundabout way about saying how to see it legally without paying for it.


Yes but it made it apathetically.

Rare footage of the the historic Schwarzenegger/Johnson handover …

Careful now.

Walton Goggins was the real hero of the first GI Joe sequel anyway. It was his character's bravery in the face of certain death that ended up saving the world from nuclear annihilation … or even worse!

I'm going to quote Cinecraft here as it's much better than I could ever do:

Well, exactly. We've all heard the rumours that theoretically, it's possible to acquire films in less than legal means but we wouldn't have the slightest idea how to do so.

Damage his career enough and he'll be making less to much less going forwards. Extreme example, if this film financially bombs and it's clearly identified that this is why and a reason.

It could potentially make him less valuable for future projects if his attachment to projects has a negative effect in terms of revenue when all the income is collated.