
Attention to no-one in particular out there, our good friend CineCraft will, if he ends up seeing this film, it will be in a totally legal fashion. He was just giving a hypothetical example of the ways he could be seeing this film.

Am I wrong in feeling that how his admissions have come across as incredibly self-serving and first and foremost damage control for his project as opposed to anything genuine?

If you hire it from a library, they won't get any more money, right? (I mean the library just pays a one off, doesn't it?)

I just thought it was most likely that as the project became more prominent as it came closer to the release date that it was increasingly more likely for people to look up information about the people behind the making of it

A question about the co-accused in the case who was jailed and later had it overturned, I've seen two different things said about that, one that the victim wasn't willing to testify again and that's at least partly why their conviction was quashed but the other is that they were willing to testify but for whatever

Thanks for the clarification.

Wikipedia redirect for Rape in War. Most of those don't see a court room. But it was still rape. Done by rapists.

So, is it true that the rape and murder (or was it just murder?) of the wife of Nat Turner [a person who really existed] as depicted in the film (and supposedly what led to his rebellion) actually something which has no (or insufficient historical evidence) basis in fact?

But then we wouldn't have Jaws IV.

How to Avoid Huge Ships

Skynet both in trying to stop its destruction, ends up causing it. However, it also creates itself in the same process. The information literally appears out of thin air. So one explanation is that God did it - and that he hates us.

I regret being this late to the party. I'll add a vote to The Terminator being the best thing from the series to date. I'll also add I wasn't a fan off completing movie and TV series with comic books until I read the comic sequel to Terminator Salvation (this was pre-Genisys) which was excellent (read the first two

Well, Sarah Connor makes those tape recordings at the end of the film before John is born where she explicitly spells it out for him who Kyle Reese is (then that photo is taken that Kyle ends up with).

Save us James Cameron, you're our only hope!

Don't worry, Chester A. Arthur will be avenged! Sevenfold even.

I met Jackie Chan once quite by chance. Not in Canberra where I worked for several years but of all places, Venice.

I know. Fun fact for anyone who doesn't know, I believe the original name of the Democratic Party in the US was "The Republican Party" or some variant of, thereof.

What elements in the US call the mainstream Democratic Party in the US (if they were on the periodic table, they'd be very dangerous, toxic, radioactive and poisonous elements) left-wing, socialists, communists, etc etc would probably be considered Centre Right by a lot of us (edit: a lot of us in Australia, also

Yes, thank you for explaining how the most common meaning of a word as thought of by the public at the time now could have been different in the past, I would never have been able to connect that to the history of a political party that was created and named itself as such decades ago.