
Isn't that more of an Anti-Power Girl than a Bizarro Power Girl? Let me just bring up the relevant information on my Monitor …

Not a knock, but how come after all these years, people still have 'Conner' for 'Connor'? (and yet I've never seen Conor …)

Are you seriously trying to say Genisys wasn't the worst thing ever … ?

The book I have on the subject said there were several iterations of various scripts which included Hicks and/or Newt but then they also had ideas floating around involving planets made of wood and aliens that could shapeshift into inanimate objects and all sorts of other weird stuff. This is what happens when you

I'll sit down and answer this properly as soon as I can but I remember one thing from the actual album burnings via T.Gore was some footage where I could quite clearly see Olivia Newton-John's face on a cover of the Grease soundtrack. Words still fail me about that.

No, if it's any Community alum, Squirrel Girl has to be Gillian Jacobs. We've already seen that she has the costume, so that'll already save us time straight off the bat.

As they travel a̶w̶a̶y̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ towards the sun, a signal is received from a ship previously thought missing seven years ago. Going in to investigate, they find the ship long abandoned and the remains of the original crew dead under mysterious and horrific circumstances. An accident cripples their vessel and they

But she can't marry Gary Busey in this scenario because she's already married to Brie Larson.

Didn't even spell Larson right either.

Or Alison Larson-Brie.

I could talk about this all day but to keep it simple to start with, by our standards, the US has a right wing conservative party. They are called the Democratic Party. A left wing party needs to be formed (name pending).

The whole Alison Brie Larson gag was kind of what I was going for here so in this case no …

I know the scene you mean in the meld but it's without context in the 2009 movie and I'm not counting it as being in a prison camp because it makes no sense that they could have been overpowered and even less sense (i.e. negative sense) that whoever captured them didn't use their technology. The idea they could retake

Which one did Squirrel Girl beat? (as played by Gillian Jacobs, we've seen she already has the costume).

OK, now I'm going to have to ask what you think I meant because now, I'm confused … ?

I can't see him getting tenure if that's the best he can do.

Well, there was that whole murder plot involving astronauts and astronaut diapers in a cross country killing scheme as one part of the story thing but that's probably not how anyone wants their career remembered is it, really?

Not to my knowledge …

I'll be honest, I'm more of a 2000AD person, hence my stunning ignorance of everything not Punisher related. I mostly know of Cable through the suggestion of having Keira Knightley playing the character.

Was it Cable? It was Cable, wasn't it?