
I've seen it. God damn it was good, wasn't it?

Probably. It's been a long day.

Given women like this existed in the Soviet era Afghan Army just for starters (not only a paratrooper but a paratrooper instructor):

Robert Heinlein did this so much better by the sounds of things with one of his short stories (you know the one if you've read it), didn't he?

Schwarzenegger is the law of diminishing returns when he plays a Terminator. The more he says, the less there is. Terminators are whether for killing are otherwise are machines and making them anything other than that is doomed to fail unless you have a much better actor than him. The Sarah Connor Chronicles actually

Oh good, as I said before in the Wonder Woman trailer thread, we can finally get Abed and Rachel back together again. While we're at it, how about getting the Russos to direct and making a stealth Community movie happen while we're at it? The Dean's already in place in the MCU too.

Oh man, did she miss out? Paul Rudd was practically giving it away not all that long ago right out there in public.

(More) Trivia time: Al Matthews, who played Apone was a real-life sergeant in Vietnam and earned his promotion in the field. Also, strangely enough a rumour took hold that he'd died of colon cancer and he had to deny it on his website and publicly elsewhere.

Also works because they filmed Aliens in the UK.

The comics have tried a few times, I believe. The results are … interesting to say the least. Especially with the anti-Terminator T-X versus some T-1000s. The best Terminator comics are really quite good actually, especially this sequel to Terminator Salvation that ties in all the films (except Genisys because it

I'd like to think it inspired the scene in Event Horizon where after viewing the video logs of the Event Horizon's black hole massacre in complete silence, he deadpans "We're leaving."

I'm guessing you already know this for those people out there who don't, the part of Ripley's daughter in the photo was played by Sigourney Weaver's real-life mother.

The one worthwhile part of Alien vs Predator was Lance Henriksen's Weyland ancestor idly picking up a pen and starting to do the hand thing by stabbing the spaces in between. Got the one good laugh in the film.

OK, remember if anyone stumbles on a time machine, remember to take a copy of Alien 3, stop in 1986, show it to James Cameron and make sure to ask him to add one more scene to Aliens which clearly shows the Sulaco reaching Gateway station, everyone waking up and leaving the ship and someone clearly saying "We of

The theatrical version of Aliens is a lot better than the director's cut in my opinion. Not showing the colonists beforehand adds to the mystery of their disappearance (I know there's differences of opinion on this) and all the other parts cut out once the marines reach LV-426 (Acheron for any of you novelisation

The script for T2 had too much dead weight and a part where the T-1000 disappears for a far too long period where everyone disappears off to the desert and brings the film to a crashing halt - and yet the T-1000 still gets to Miles Dyson far too late.

Oh shit. You got me there.

Second best?

Why don't you put her in charge? (of the AV Club - standards are slipping a bit lately from the glory days.)