
Hey! Leave us out of it!

Not exactly the same thing, I know but it worked for X:Men - Days of Future Past. The film where they brought the new team and the old team together (in a sense) was the biggest X-Men movie by far financially except for Deadpool.

Zuul's an inter-dimensional entity. They could always use it as an excuse to link the 1984 Ghostbusters (well some of them anyway) with these ones as Zuul could in theory connect the two from whatever extradimensional space it resides in.

If you're a guy, would it help if I said I don't swing that way or just make things worse?

No wonder Colbert wants Jon back on his show to comment on the election, he hasn't finished sucking Jon's life force yet.

"The Mike Pence HIV Scandal: 4 Things You Need To Know"

Obligatory Comment/User Name Synergy comment.

Sure, it's always possible that a spambot has hijacked the original commenter's account and is now piloting it like some kind of zombified meat puppet. It wouldn't be the first time and it would also explain a few acting roles at least.

He wouldn't, though would he? Come on, don't you think in this case the rumour (hence my use of 'apparently') is a lot more fun that the facts in this case, which precisely for the reasons you've outlined and the people involved, we'll probably never actually know for sure?

Look, if I can't take advantage of being in that (I'm assuming) rare overlap (unless there's also a lot of hate watching going on*) of AV Club and Jezebel reader now, when can I exactly?

The Bush Presidency?

Yes, that was another thing that tipped me off on top of the shameless panhandling. I mean, he is shameless here but not about money in my experience.

I don't think this is the Jake Gyllenhaal who comments here to be honest.

The Washington Press Corps Dinner. Right to President Bush's face.

I sent a tip in on this. I wonder if I was responsible or if it was a co-incidence?

I do wish that Enrico's character had been able to give that character some kind of well deserved comeuppance before the end of the show, though. Or at least cancelled or gave a fake cheque that last time.

I wrote and asked him if he'd complete in some way the FBI pilot instead of leaving it on a perpetual cliffhanger.

Fun trivia fact: In the 7 seasons of Just Shoot Me, absolutely none of the main leads missed a single episode.

Oh. I feel strangely disappointed that I've let you down here. Oh well, back to the drawing board and remain vigilant!